
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Happy March

 Now that it is March and only 20 days until the official start of spring,
I think it is ok to think about and dare I say talk about spring.
I am excited about spring, riding my bike,
cleaning up the yard, planing and laying out my vegetable garden,
uncovering the patio furniture and sitting outside some.
It may be a little early for thoughts of sitting outside, but we've had some pretty warm days here in
 New Jersey, 72 degrees in fact just a few days ago.

So lets take a peak at some of the colors we will be seeing when the tulips pop up from the ground
and the colombine begin to bloom.

All from my archives, this is what we have to look forward to!

- spring: lovely reminder of how beautiful change can be...a whimsical time of year -


  1. Hello, Debbie
    I am ready for spring too. The flowers are gorgeous, lovely photos.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. These are gorgeous photos. We are a long ways from seeing the blooms here however. Enjoy the warm days, Debbie. You will be liberated from the grips of winter soon! I dream of the warm weather!

  3. Oh my such a beautiful taste of what we will be seeing very soon, I can not wait, love the beautiful colors and I can almost smell them too :)

  4. I'm looking forward to spring too. The photos are spectacular, of course I enjoyed them immensely. However, here in the west we have a terrible drought, so we are praying for snow or rain.
    I do look forward to your spring time adventures.
    Blessings and hugs!

  5. Such glorious colour you've shared in these photographs.
    Happy March Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  6. Beautiful flowers and brilliant colors! We had a pretty nice day here in Texas for the first day of March too.

  7. Such pretty pics. Yes, I am looking forward to seeing those flowers! Hopefully soon. Since you live in the east...You might of heard or visited Longwood Gardens. It's one of my favorite places to visit. I didn't manage to get there last year. (One of the first years we missed visiting). But sure hope to get there this year...

    1. hi jill, thanks for mentioning longwood gardens, just in case i did not know. we get season passes for there every year and visit every season. every single one of these pictures was taken there.

    2. Thank you for telling me that you had repsonded to this post. We used to go every single year for a least one visit. We had finally started getting a season pass and the pandemic happened. We have plans to try and get back this spring. I miss it so.

  8. Oh so lovely... can’t wait ... we have had a dreary winter

  9. Beautiful spring flowers ! Thank you for the nice words on my blog, dear Debbie!
    Poland is safe, but our eastern neighbors, Ukrainians, are fighting and dying for freedom!

  10. Oh my goodness the colors on that first tulip are incredible. I am so ready for spring. My old home use to have tulips similar to the 4th image. I miss them.

  11. I always enjoy your flower photos! These are fantastic and I look forward to this year's!
