
Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The Backdoor Garage - Classic Cars

Good morning everyone, 
a few years ago while out running errands the hubs and I passed a large unassuming building that was filled with a treasure trove of classic cars and epic stories.
Look what we found as recorded in the news paper with this story...
"Driving past Route 71 and Brooklyn Boulevard in Sea Girt, those passing by may spot a large building nestled behind the local business Total Hearing Care.
Garage doors wide open on either side, people often ask with childlike wonder, 
is it a business, a museum, a movie set?
Curious minds are invited to come inside and take a look around.
Welcome to the Backdoor Garage,
where visitors are transported back into time.
A time when people enjoyed relaxing on their porches with good friends or having conversations at the counter over old-fashioned ice cream sodas.
It's also a time of Hollywood glamor and romance, and of course, classic cars".

The store fronts presented behind the cars have significant meaning to the car in front of it.
The mechanic was on site working, he gave us a personal tour, and explained all the details to us.

1929 Duisenberg J. Convertible Sedan by Murphy,
this vehicle is valued at 2.5 million dollars.

Ford Pick Up

1935 Auburn 851

The Elegance at Hershey
1933 Pierce-Arrow Sports Coupe

1933 Lincoln KB Convertible Sedan by Dietrich

1939 Laguna V-12 Drophead Coupe

Inside is also decorated like this...

- some roads lead to unexpected destinations, drive a classic car to those -


  1. Such beauties. It’s hard to pick a favourite. I needed this diversion today.

  2. Debbie, We have the Auburn Cord Duesenburg Automobile Museum. Just north of Fort Wayne, Indiana. It's in the old administrative building of the Auburn company. 1600 Wayne St. Auburn, In. 46706 .It is decorated so very similar to your museum. I only toured it once. But I was amazed at how big the cars seemed. Yet if you ever saw a really old garage, it seemed way to small for those big cars. It was fun looking at these old beauties today. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. thanks susie...i am always thinking of you!!

  3. I love those cars. Can you imagine just driving one down the road? They are beautiful works of art I think!
    Have a lovely day.

  4. Wow! The backdrops seem more intriguing than the cars. What a beautiful set-up. The back story about the owner and each car has to be interesting. Thanks for sneaking us around the Garage. I could see Jay Leno trying to buy them all. Linda in Kansas

    1. i totally agree linda, i loved every single inch of this "garage"!! the cars were so beautifully presented, and the backdrops too...they were very professionally done. what a find! and the on site mechanic too, he gave us such a wonderful tour and answered all of our questions!!

  5. So neat they did a story on them, Can you imagine the insurance on that building. I just love the past is being restored for future generations, it would be nice in a way to go back to simpler times but then I think we would miss some of the ease we have now.

  6. Oh my goodness those are gorgeous!!! Love the color of the green one!! Was there a purple 💜 one for you? Love those fun backdrops too! I think I see a Texaco station--what was the one who had the dinosaur signs??--- was that Sinclair stations?

  7. Those cars are wonderful ...

    All the best Jan

  8. i love food (in your first post ... i agree with you on giving it is so fun. i love making goodies for my family and friends.) we have Hawaii and Alaska (not sure our travel would make it to Hawaii, it doesn't float. lol!! many friends have been to Alaska but we have heard tales that going there is hard on your vehicle and trailer so you might wanna get a rental or just fly instead.) to make before we have gotten to all states in the US. i don't think we will make it to Canada (we let our passports die because we knew we would not be going there for a long time, we i think have been there well over 5 times, blessed there) for a long time sadly due to all the stuff going on ...but thankful we have been in the past, gorgeous place to see. never been overseas but my dad was in the Army, so he has been to Germany and several other parts. gosh, i think the pics are from ...not sure what year? it is fun to look back though. i saw a Fiat head (2nd post on your blog, we love car museums and such, they are so fun to see all the classics) light but i didn't see it again, only in that one shot. i own a Fiat 500 ...we have named him Luigi. bloggy love, take care. see ya again soon. Beth ( ;

  9. Wow! What a fabulous post! Must show this post to my hubby.

  10. Wowza what an incredible collection of cars. I am reminded of my dad's old 1946 Ford. He never was able to fully restore it before he passed but it sure was fun to have and sit in and see the history of that car.

  11. Wow! Those all look absolutely pristine! That's a great collection! The red Ford truck is awesome - I'd drive that all day long!

  12. Wow, I really loved this one. My husband and I would enjoy looking at all these classic cars. It is our favorite era for many reasons. We like to watch old movies a lot. This collection is fantastic and I love the store fronts. Yes, I love the old drugstores, with the soda fountains. It really was the best of times.
    Blessings and hugs!
