
Friday, May 10, 2019

Butterflies Are Free

Things are really hopping around here...
and there has been some serious "funny business" going on behind the scenes.
We have 2 birdhouses and 1 wreath that will have babies in them soon.
5 Black Swallowtail butterflies have emerged and we have successfully released all of them.
You can read all about the first release on May 6th here.

3 more emerged on May 15th...
2 flew off as soon as I removed them from the cage, and they felt the fresh air...
they flew with grand purpose and beauty.

The 3rd one was small and did not fly off immediately.
It seemed to be struggling some.

I picked it up and placed it on the azalea bush where it seemed happy.
It stayed on the azalea bush for several hours, I kept checking on it and eventually it flew off.

Number 5 emerged on May 9th, 
it was a nice size, had beautiful colors and was perfectly shaped.
It also hung around for a while, but after several hours, if finally flew off.

I am pretty sure I have a few more coming and I could not be more excited!


  1. It's like being a mother all over again!

  2. Debbie, the butterfly whisperer. Great work and fun too. Amazing really!

  3. Hello, Your butterflies are beautiful. Love the azaleas too. It is exciting. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend!

  4. I agree with Marie Smith: you are the butterfly whisperer. ;)

  5. Wonderful butterfly.
    Thanks for sharing these amazing photos.
    Have a nice weekend
    Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco

  6. Oh how exciting, I bet the butterfly enjoyed hanging out on the flower, soaking up the smell and the sunshine before flying away!

  7. Those are beautiful! Nicely done!

  8. The color of the butterflies on the bright azaleas is stunning! Very nice!

  9. I really love the photos of these Black Swallowtail butterflies. The colors are so beautiful. I love how you nurture, watch over and care for them. I think that these birds, butterflies and other critters that you have around feel your love.
    Sending happy thoughts and hugs your way1

  10. Yes, I like the phrase Debbie the butterfly whisperer :)

    Lovely photographs again, such a joy to be able to see them on my computer screen all those miles away from you.

    All the best Jan

  11. You do such good work there! Kinda cool almost-Mother’s Day present for you wasn’t it?
