
Saturday, May 11, 2019

Saturday Critters ~ 282 ~

The bird activity in the yard is back to normal,
and all of the bird feeders need to be filled at least once per day.
I have been keeping the bird bath filled with fresh water and putting jelly out 
for the newly returning Cat Birds.
Taking care of the birds always pays off as they are willing to pose for pictures.
Here are a few of my favorites from this week!

Male Cardinal

Male Red-Winged Blackbird

Female Red-Winged Blackbird

Blue Jay

Mourning Dove

Gray Catbird

Male House Finch

Female House Finch

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  1. Ohh how beautiful to have such pretty birds in your own garden
    Jeanette ann

  2. GREAT SHOTS! How do you do it??

  3. Such great captures, Debbie. I’ve never seen a catbird before. The blackbirds are such noisy creatures. I saw females blackbirds yesterday too. Such pretty creatures in their own right.

  4. Hello Debbie, you have your birds trained well to pose so nicely for you. The photos are awesome and the birds are beautiful. It is hard to pick a favorite, I love them all. Thanks for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your Mother's Day weekend. PS, thank also for the visit and the comment.

  5. First time for me to see the gray catbird, such a funny name. You always catch them in a perfect pose.

  6. Nice....I don't know a couple of these pretties that you posted. Not sure I have ever seen a male red winged black bird and I know I have not seen a cat bird. I need to look that up to see if they come to this area. Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog and what I am dealing with. Life throws us curve balls sometimes, I usually handle life pretty well but there has just been way to much to soon. My strong self crashed needing a break so I am trying to take care of me, my inner self and my mind.

  7. Wow, it's like a beauty pageant of birds! Beautiful.

  8. I think that all the birds know the address of this excellent bird motel in New Jersey with high end accommodation and five food on demand,

  9. Wonderful, beautiful photos!

  10. We are not getting the huge flocks that clean us out in a days time but still quite a few! Love your birds for this week..always such wonderful details! Enjoy your weekend!

  11. such an awesome assortment of birds, wow you sure do get a lot of birds :)
    Have a happy mother's day

  12. Debbie, you are an incredible photographer of birds. These are amazing photos. I love that you got a photo of both the male and female Red Winged Blackbird. It's so fascinating that again the male bird has the most vivid colors. All the birds truly are beautiful. Thanks for sharing your talent and all the birds that visit your yard.
    Sending you Happy Mother's Day wishes too! Hope you have a sweet day of hearing from your children. Hugs~

  13. LOVE THESE PICTURES! My favorite is the brilliant red Cardinal, he's striking! Hope you are having a real nice weekend and getting some warm spring weather and flowers your way!

  14. The House Finch is a very pretty bird, and your Grey Catbird looks very similar to our Blackcap here in the UK.

  15. Beautiful. I have those as visitors too--except--we get no Cat birds up here.

  16. You have such beautiful visitors to your garden …

    All the best Jan

  17. These are beautiful! Love the blackbird and catbird! There's been a hawk on our property lately, but he keeps getting chased away by a dozen or more grackles.

  18. You have the best backyard birds (I’m so glad they’re back as usual).
