
Thursday, May 9, 2019

Chirp Loudly And Carry A Big Stick

Watching this little House Wren build it's nest inside my bird house was a thrill!
He was quite ambitious when selecting the sticks!

He finally got it...

He dropped that nice soft piece...

did you see that?

Resting here, from all that hard work!

Look at that feather pattern, how beautiful is that!


  1. I absolutely LOVE your bird stories and photos! You really should publish them in a book! I would buy it!

  2. We have a pair nest building in our backyard right now too.

  3. Hello, Those House Wrens are cute but bossy and so noisy. They like to take over all the bird houses in the yard too. Your birdhouse is really pretty. Great series of photos. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend!

  4. Clever, gorgeous little creature. There is so much beauty in the world if we but stop and look.

  5. Such determination for such a tiny bird-he's beautiful

  6. We should take lessons from them:) Pretty bird house...

  7. LOL! That's awesome! They have limitless energy!

  8. Lovely pictures. I enjoy watching these little birds maneuver those long sticks into the house.

  9. Oh, thw little House Wren is precious. This will be a favorite of mine. I love that the sweet little bird is building a nest in the bird house. You got some spectacular photos of the process. Really loved this one a ton.
    Blessings and hugs!

  10. Ha! He could make it! How clever and how pretty!

  11. The photos of the sweet little wren poking his head out of the birdhouse are priceless. Amazing photos! I wonder, how long did it take him to work out how to get the over-wide stick into that little hole??

  12. Oh my goodness is that ever so cute, how fun to watch him make a nest and love the picture of him trying to get that big stick through the hole. Have a great weekend!

  13. Your last shot is just incredible, and what a lovely house they have. Fun to see their routine.

  14. What a very pretty house for the Wron to build his /her nest in Debbie

  15. WOW!

    This is an absolutely fabulous post, it's like pictures from a book :)
    I just LOVE your series of fantastic photographs, such a sweet bird.

    All the best Jan

    PS The bird is lovely and so is the bird house :)
