
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Yarn Along

My Yarn Along is quite boring today.
I am still working on the same Cider Press Hat that I shared last week.
Although it feels like I spent a lot of time knitting this week,
it's not very big, is it??
It's not - but it's getting there.

This is Alpaca Yarn - soft and yummy - it is a joy to work with.

I really like this pattern, how this combination of knitting and purling looks.

I also started another Cider Press Hat,
also in Alpaca Yarn, purchased at the Alpaca Farm where I learned to knit.

This has been one of those weeks where I have been so busy -
but I have no idea what I have done.
Have you ever had one of those weeks?

I am joining Ginny at Small Things for Yarn Along 


  1. Hello, the yarn is pretty. It looks soft. Yes, I have had plenty of weeks like that. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  2. Yes, I've had weeks like that.
    Your stitches are beautiful! So even and perfect.

  3. Oh yes, it does look soft and yummy, my friend :) Have a splendid day! Hugs

  4. Hello Debbie!
    Great wool of alpaca.
    Oh, your work is very precise, pedantic.

  5. I love the combination of stitches too, Debbie. It's a beautiful pattern, and that yarn looks just heavenly.

  6. Hi there Debbie, I too thought how even and neat your knitting is. It does look so soft. The first hat looks not too far away from being finished.
    Yes, sometimes those "treading water" days/week happen but [arms up] what can one do... life eh!
    Keep on enjoying your knitting, it's a delightful thing to do. Hugs :D)

  7. Yes I do - all the time! Time slips by - I'm not sure what it feels like to be bored. Your hat is awesome! - I think that's where a lot of your time went.

  8. Yes I do Debbie! I wonder where on earth have I been. I love that color. I bet it feels so wonderful to work with.
    Megan is coming next week to show me how to knit wash cloths. I am so excited. I am making the plunge. I have liked knitting but I do it wrong so this will be better to have someone show me.
    Thanks for sharing.

  9. Um, Yea! More often than I would like! Your hat does look soft and warm and I can see why it is taking so long......all those tiny stitches! I've been working on this one pillow since summer and almost done. You would think it wouldn't take so long, but I just can't stay focused lately. Hope your weekend is warm and cozy. Hugs xo Karen

  10. Nice... I understand when knitting seems slow...
    right now...some days drag....after the x-stitch, knitting, quilting, when the weather is cool....I've started ripping sheets for a loom rug I want to do when I get home:)

  11. It is coming along great, and yes I do have those days and weeks all the time, it just gets away from you :)

  12. it does look so nice and soft! A dear friend of mine sent me not one, but TWO gorgeous hand knitted scarfs for Christmas and I was THRILLED TO GET THEM and use them pretty much daily, alternating the colors. I do enjoy seeing the projects you are working on.

  13. mercy I just saw your previous post--guess I missed it.........wowzers y'all got ALOT OF SNOW!! It's so deep! Goodness gracious how many inches did y'all get???? Love that picture of your multi color lights in the snow....that is so pretty!

  14. That is such a beautiful yarn. You're amazing Debbie!

  15. Looking good! I love that hat pattern.

  16. Lovely yarn. Yes -- I have those days ... wonder what I spent the day doing ... it all works out! Happy New Year!

  17. "Have you ever had one of those weeks?"
    I think we all get them from time to time ...

    It's looking good Debbie, I like the colour

    All the best Jan

  18. Yes, I think most of my weeks are like this. I do love to see how your projects are coming along and I especially like when you share your knitting.
    Big hugs for you!
