
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The New Kids On The Block, Part II

I don't usually see Red-Breasted Nuthatch's in my yard.
If you have never seen one, they have a dark crown, white face,
black eye stripe and rust colored breast.
Nuthatches are the only birds that can climb headfirst
down tree trunks.

This species is seen mostly in winter...
he started visiting me this past winter and comes most days!!

I do get White-Breasted Nuthatch's, all year round!!


  1. oh, so handsome! great shots!

    i was thrilled to add bird #88 to my list here yesterday - a white-breasted nuthatch. :)

  2. So stuning Debbie...It's aamazin shots...

  3. I have both the red-breasted and White-breasted ones but am kind of partial to the red ones. They are just so cute.

  4. Debbie, I think it is rare to see the Red-Breasted Nuthatch in the summer. A real nice yard bird too. Great shots!

  5. I have both types here, year round and I just adore them. These shots are fantastic!

  6. I have both types here, year round and I just adore them. These shots are fantastic!

  7. How wonderful!!! Do you keep a bird watcher's book?? You have seen SUCH a variety - and so have WE through your blog!

  8. Great shots of this pretty little bird also!

  9. You captured some great shots of this little one. I especially like the third photo. He must visit because the food and company are great! :-)

  10. Oh, I LOVE those birds!! I like how they peep-peep up and down the tree trunk!! I don't have them in my yard because I don't have large trees, but I watch for them wherever I go. GREAT shots!

  11. One of my favourite birds Debbie. I get tons of them in the winter, and a couple of summer stragglers. Great shots!

  12. Wonderful shots, Debbie! I see a white-breasted Nuthatch here all the time, but I don't think I've see one of these. He's very handsome!

  13. Oh I love these shots they are awesome. This is a cutie.
    Take care in this heat. Hug B

  14. So beautiful, and so interesting that they climb down trees! You've had me on the lookout for different birds in my own backyard lately, I must get a bird feeder!

  15. I've never seen one around here Debbie, he's a little beauty. Great shots as always :)

  16. These photos are so awesome. I think this bird has all my favorite colors. I have caught the bug of taking photo's of birds from you.
    Right now we have a sweet little Mourning Dove that has a nest in our tree. Her two little babies just hatched about 2 days ago. We have some great pictures I will post soon.
