
Monday, May 20, 2013

They Are Nuts for Nuts...

This Blue Jay enjoys three peanuts at a time,
you can't see the one in the chamber!
This little Chickadee can only handle one,
and one for this cute little Titmouse, who visits frequently.
The Catbirds returned from winter break on May 5th,
it was late in the day and all the peanuts were gone.
The back yard is just full to the brim with birds and I could not be happier.


  1. Really neat bird pictures. They love peanuts huh? I'll have to pick some up!!

  2. We've been putting out a nut mix for awhile now and I can't keep the feeder full--they all love them so! It is getting expensive though.

  3. a sweet bunch who have the greatest restaurant in town. :)

  4. Word must have gotten around in the bird world: that Debbie lady is nice to birds! Great photos. I love the one of the chickadee. The peanut is almost as big as he is! :-)

  5. I can't believe a bird can handle 3 peanuts. These are really pretty photos!

  6. Beautiful photos! I hadn't thought to put peanuts out for the birds. Glad I know now!

  7. They love those nuts! That titmouse is the cutest bird ever. We don't get them here.

  8. You sure do throw one great back yard party!!

  9. I can't believe how many birds you have!! Great pics and I know they are so much fun to watch!

  10. Wow, what a collection of pals you have! I finally put up a bird seed feeder, hopefully I'll be able to get some pictures soon.

  11. I like nuts, too! My birdies don't get many because I like to eat them too much. Haha! Cute pics!

  12. Lucky you with all your birds... We just got our new house back in Lacombe (Soon Brian will be done working and we go back...)...but we don't have trees... that is about all I miss from our old place is all our birds:(((

  13. We are seeing quite the variety here too. You need to put peanuts out twice daily, apparently. :)

  14. I love your shots. Does that mean that the hawks moved on? I love them with their beaks full.

  15. These are all so cute. I can't help thinking my husband would be sneaking out there to steal the nuts away from the birds. That's his favorite as well.

  16. So sweet to look at this picture. Lucky for them that they have you :)

  17. Fantastic shots, Debbie! Those Blue Jays can be real hogs! I've seen them scarf down seed after seed. The other two birds are doing good just to handle one peanut! :-)

  18. That bluebird is a real pig! ha!

    I'm as thrilled as you about the return of all of the birds.

  19. I always enjoy your bird pictures. I wish we had more birds around us. I love to hear them outside of my window.
