
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pure Beauty...

My White Azaleas are in full bloom today,
and they are just gorgeous!!
Today, I think about how lucky I am...
to have my beautiful home and my gorgeous gardens.
To feel so safe, secure and happy! 
My thoughts today are also with the people in Oklahoma,
hoping they are able to find the strength and hope they will need
to recover from this tragic event.


  1. thank you for sharing your beauty and your love.

  2. Perfect my dear friend just perfect. Thank you for saying and showing what I am thinking so beautifully. Hug B

  3. Yes they are PURE BEAUTY!!

  4. Gorgeous, indeed! Our are in full bloom, too.

  5. I feel so bad for the people in Oklahoma. It is so tragic and I am so grateful for simple things like a beautiful flower. My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Oklahoma.

  6. Aren't they just perfect! Something about the white adds to the delicacy of the petals! And yes, we are counting our blessings and saying our prayers. I've heard that much of the Jersey shore is set to reopen this this true? I sure hope so!

  7. Azalie są śliczne. U nas w telewizji pokazywano ogrom zniszczeń w Oklahomie. To jest straszne. Pozdrawiam.
    Azaleas are beautiful. In our TV the devastation in Oklahoma. This is terrible. Yours.

  8. Perfect photos and perfect words, Debbie.

  9. Your azaleas are beautiful, Debbie! It is sad to hear the news about the tornado victims on Oklahoma. My prayer go out to them!

  10. Hi Debbie...So gorgeous!! Looks like a heavenly cloud!!

  11. These are beautiful...just like you and your loving heart!

  12. The flowers are stunning. So beautiful!

  13. Gorgeous pictures. We really do have so much to be thankful for.

  14. Te white azaleas are beautiful. I have so much to be thankful for and am praying for all those affected by the tornadoes.

  15. Your Azaleas are without a doubt, pure beauty!
    We're all pulling for the folks on Oklahoma... Godspeed.

  16. The only way those flowers could be more beautiful is if they were purple!!! We all need to take a moment to stop and count our blessings. Even the little stuff is a piece of cake compared to those going through the Oklahoma disaster!!

  17. Your azaleas are gorgeous Aunt Deb! My first peony is just about to bloom and I am over the moon about it!

  18. Debbie, these are gorgeous!!!
    We do not see many white ones here, so this is a special treat.

  19. Those are really beautiful. I'm thankful too.

  20. Lovely flowers and I totally agree with your thoughts.

  21. They are lovely. So dainty. I love Azalea's. I have 3, Yellow, Orange and White with yellow.
    Thanks for sharing the beauty of yours.

  22. The flowers are so beautiful. I love that you are upbeat and positive.
    I too feel so blessed. I feel very sad for all those that have lost loved ones, homes and personal treasures in the damage from the tornado. They will be starting all over and I hope they will be safe and blessed.
    Blessings to you!

  23. You are right Debbie, these are beautiful flowers. My thoughts are with the people of Oklahoma too.

  24. Debbie, your stunning images took my breath away. Gorgeous azaleas so beautifully photographed!

  25. Such lovely blooms and you are right -- it's times like these we need to count our blessings. xo
