
Monday, October 17, 2011

My Blog-Versary And A Give-A-Way!!

It's been a year since I began blogging. I have come here 400 times and written about my life.
How cool is that, that on my one year anniversary,
my blog count total is 400.
I have chosen to commemorate this very special day with the following posts.

My First Post
First Post
This post received 6 comments, two were mine the other four "shadows" are related to me!!

My Most Popular
Meet Mister
 It only received 17 comments but it is number one according to blogger!!

My Funniest Post 
 A difficult time in my life, presented with a little humor.

Tropical Waterlilies
Migrating Monarchs
As you can see, I just couldn't pick one!!

My Favorite Adventures
Discovery Cove
Up Up and Away
Greetings From Washington D C.
Again, too many favorites and making decisions is not one of my strongest qualities!!

The posts that received the most comments.
Blue Heron
My Hummers Are Gone
Each of these two posts received 33 comments, that's a lot for my blog.

When I started my blog I wrote that cute little quip about myself and some thoughts about what I would be writing about in my blog. Most of that is fairly accurate. But I wrote that I would be sharing recipes, both old and new. I thought that sounded good but I don't do it very often. Below are three recipes I have is old, one is new, and the trifle I can't remember!! Just in case you thought I was writing "fluff"...I wanted to prove that to some extent, that was correct.

Another Yummy Pot Roast

See, I do share recipes!!

I would also like to do a Give-A-Way, some of the blank note cards that I make with my pictures. I will make them after I have a winner so the winner can pick any pictures from my blog for me to make them with, up to 20. Just leave me a note that you would enjoy receiving them and I will pick a winner in one week.

It's been a wonderful year, I have met some beautiful people and blogging has enriched my already amazing life. If you are reading this, thank you. You read my nonsense and keep coming back, that makes you one of my dear friends.


  1. Dear Debbie, you were one of my very first followers and you kept me going. I love coming to your blog to see your beautiful pictures and hear your tales. It may sound silly but I feel I am getting to know you quite well.
    I will continue to keep coming to your blog to keep up with you.
    I would LOVE to be in your prize draw as long as I'm not too far away.
    Keep on blogging. That should be a title for a song don't you think. lol.

  2. What a wonderful way to walk down memory lane of your past year of blogging. I LOVE your home ~ and your pool, what a view! Keep up the good work.
    'hugs from afar'

  3. oops, I forgot to mention I would love to be picked as the winner of your give-away. :)

  4. Congratulations on your 1st Blog-versary, Debbie! Wow, 400 posts!! I love visiting your blog and seeing your amazing photos and reading about your adventures. Here's to many more years in Bloggeritaville! Hugs, Cheryl

  5. this was fun - i was able to catch a few posts i hadn't seen before. (and the light on the first post looks great!)

    happy blogiversary, dear debbie! many posts and many years to come!

  6. 4oo posts in one year!! That is so great. Congrats to your first year I look forward to many, many more. I love seeing life through the lens of your camera.
    I would love to be entered in your giveaway. I think that would be so nice.
    I am so thankful I have got to be friends with you as well.

  7. Just came from Danielle's blog at Your blog is amazing. I just became a follower. Love all of your photos. Amazing. I am not good with cameras at all. I usually cut peoples heads or feet off. I will be back often to see your photos.

  8. Happy Blogoversary! I haven't been following you that long, but I love what I've seen since I've been here! You are an amazing artist - I love seeing the world through your eyes.

    Congratulations - here's to many more years of blogging friends and fun!!!

    Love and Peace!

  9. That was fun like TexWisGirl I got to see some post that I hadn't seen
    before too. Happy 1st blogiversary thanks for helping me out with my blog. I do look forward to reading and seeing your pics. I would love to win some of your cards..... :)

  10. Congratulations on your anniversary! Time sure does fly, doesn't it?! I'm so very happy to have met you through blogging. I so enjoy reading your posts and seeing your photos! You are a sweetheart, Debbie! I look forward to reading many more years of your posts!

    *I'd love to be entered into the giveaway drawing. :)

  11. Congratulations my dear friend. Has it only been a year. I feel like I have known you so much longer. Your pictures are fabulous and would be honored to own one. Hugs! Bonnie

  12. Happy blogi/blogo/blogaversary! I enjoy reading your posts and always appreciate your comments over at my place!

  13. The blog world is richer because of your posts.Thank- you. I would love to enter your draw.

  14. Happy Blogaversary Debbie!!! 400

    I'm glad I found you in the blogsphere, and I am looking forward to your next 400 posts!

    I hope things are getting better for you as each day passes.

    Put me in the draw! I'd love to receive your give-a-way.

  15. Congratulations on your blog anniversary. You are such a wonderful photographer and a great person too. I am so glad to know you through our blogs.


  16. One year and 400 posts... how do you do that?!...Enjoy you blog very much, glad I found you! I would love to be a part of your give-away!!

  17. Happy Blog Anniversary, Dear Debbie! I am going to sit and enjoy all of your past posts you mentioned. I'm so happy I found your blog. You are a highlight to my days.

    I'm also here to tell you all how LUCKY you would be to win this giveaway. I just received one of Debbies cards and it is STUNNING!!

  18. Happy Blog-O-Versary!!
    Can you believe the happiness that's out there for all of us in blog world ~ love that we connected with each other this way! And since I've already been treated to some of your cards, I won't enter...increase someone else's chance of winning! HOPE you are feeling better.

  19. WOW! One year of pouring out your soul to the public. Congratulations Deb! I never saw the Hospital one before. I so admire your sense of matter what. It was that & your photographs that first caught my "stalking days"!! Glad we finally got to meet each other. I do read your blog daily but as I mentioned yesterday, I get it in my email & can only make a comment if I then Google your blog. Make sense? If you know of another simpler way to do this please let me know. I hope you're doing better today. PS, Please enter me to receive your cards. xo

  20. Happy Blog Anniversary, Debbie! Your fabulous blog shows of your wonderful photographs, fun personality, beautiful spirit and big heart. Looking forward to another year visiting one of my favorite blogs, It's All About Purple!

  21. Happy blogiversary! I'm so glad I found your blog through the mail swap :-)

  22. Blogging is a lot of fun...I get 'behind' in it when things are happening with family...such as visiting Lorelei or them coming here. But still have met a lot of wonderful people. Congratulations on your first year!

  23. Happy Blogiversary! You are such a sweet lady and I enjoy reading and seeing all the beautyful pictures you take! what a super idea to make them in to blank cards! I can't wait to see what this next year of blogging will bring for you! It's exciting!
