Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Howe Street Beach

A walk on the beach, or a sit on the bench, was just what was needed on this warm and breezy day.
If you live at the Jersey Shore, 
you understand the need to go and "check" on the ocean every now and again.
It's beauty really lifts my spirits, 
the breeze brings the ocean mist and smell of salt water right up to my face.
Everything about this place makes life better!

- shell garland -

- coastal rocks -

- native trees, shrubs and vines -

- dune grass -

- my bench -

- snow fence -

Each holiday, an older, very kind man comes and decorates with shell art just like this.
I met him once, I was there and he was sleeping on a bench.
When he woke up, i asked him who was responsible for all this creative work...
and he said "me"!
We spoke for several minutes but he did not want his picture taken, and that was ok!


Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Beautiful photos! You can almost smell the salty scent of the ocean.

BeachGypsy said...

I love seeing the shell art, he does a beautiful job!!! Looks like a great day for the beach, we need to go soon too.

Jeanie said...

What a lovely sight -- I love all of these!

Connie said...

I loved walking along the ocean shoreline with you, thank you for a very refreshing post . . . it's uplifting as we wait for spring.

The Happy Whisk said...

I love the shots of the shore. The rocks look like a sea monster to me. I love that. How fun.