
Friday, July 19, 2024

Belmar Sand Castle Contest

For 37 years, DJ's in Belmar, NJ hosts a Sand Sculpture Contest that is nothing short of amazing.
We go every year but it was so hot on Wednesday we decided not to attend.
These pictures are some of my favorites from years past.

This was my favorite...

After checking online, I found these pictures from this year that were published in our local newspaper,
The Asbury Park Press

Luna In Love

Team USA Paris 2024

The Dragon Slayer

Jurassic Beach

The Jersey Shore...a great place to live!


  1. Colouring the sand is a new one for me. Some great sand crafting there!

  2. Those are amazing. I haven't seen the sand colored either. Linda in Kansas

  3. My favorite is the Dig site!

  4. These are fantastic Debbie! My favorite is the turtle with the mussel shell design. Love them all though, so many talented people!

  5. these are quite spectacular. We go to Belmar quite often but never saw the contest! New year!!

  6. Hello Debbie,
    the sand sculptures are amazing. Very creative.
    The turtle in the third picture is my favorite.
    Have a great weekend.

  7. There is a similar competition here in Hampton Beach, NH, and we have seen some amazing sand sculptures just as fantastic as several showed in this post, Debbie.

  8. They are all amazing.

    All the best Jan

  9. So sorry it was too hot to attend, can you imagine what it must be like for them to build something in the hot sand. They are amazing!

  10. What a great bunch of sand castles!
