
Friday, March 22, 2024

What Happened To Spring

 It has turned very cold here in New Jersey, after we have enjoyed so many warm days,
we got spoiled.
But that's o.k., spring is coming and there are many signs that it will be here soon.
When you walk outside you can hear the birds singing...and the woodpeckers preparing their new homes.
The sun is bright and warm on your face.
I see little pink buds on the cherry blossom trees.

My many shades of purple crocus have come and gone.

My Daffodils are in bloom but have been impacted by the cold.

My tulips are starting to open but I can see the geenery has been burnt by the cold.

But the good news is, my Hydrangeas have some new growth on them


  1. Dear Debbie!
    Your spring flowers are beautiful. Purple crocuses, apart from their picturesque appearance, delight with their pleasant, honey scent. As always, your photos are beautiful. I got cold too.
    I wish you a sunny and warm weekend.

  2. Your shades of purple crocuses are spectacular!

  3. It is colder here too, we are expecting a rainy Saturday.
    Love your beautiful flowers. It is great to see the new growth on the plants.
    Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Debbie, you mentioned hearing the birds singing. With my new hearing aids I can hear them too. In fact, sometimes I have to ask DH is that a bird or are my hearing aids acting up?
    I replanted my trug with kale, romaine, and collard greens. So far they are all doing good. Ate some today at lunch.

  5. Our spring is gone as well. 1" of snow and more on the way!

  6. Lovely to see your spring flowers.

    All the best Jan

  7. I havent had crocus in decades. They sure are pretty though! We've had a real rainy day here. Not too awful cold though. Hope your weekend is nice and y'all can get out somewhere pretty to make pictures!

  8. You really do take the most gorgeous photos, Debbie. My daughter would be so jealous to see your spring flowers. It's snowing in Chicago again. Tif is worried her tulips will die from being fooled so often.
