
Saturday, March 23, 2024

Saturday Critters #536

 There is a tale in New Jersey about the return of the Osprey in spring.
It is said that they always return to their breeding grounds, in New Jersey, on St. Patrick's Day.
On St, Patrick's Day, not the day before or the day after.
It is such an interesting story, first told to us by an employee at the Environmental Center in
Howell Township.
I wanted to check a few of the nests that I am familiar with right on St. Patrick's Day
but I just did not have the time.
The hubs took me to my favorite nest in Spring Lake on Wednesday, 3 days later, and there they were.

 Osprey are also call Fish Hawks, they weight about 3 pounds and have a wingspan of about 63 inches.
They fly south for winter, mate for life and lay eggs only once per year.

I took a gazillion pictures, here are some of my favorites.

This Osprey, which I believe to be the male, was eating a fish on this pole,
he never brought the fish to the nest to share it with the female.
The male Osprey has a little color on his neck, the female's neck is a pure white.
The pole he was perched on was close to the nest.

She left the nest just once while I was taking pictures and flew over to where the male was.
I was shocked to get this "in flight" picture as she returned to the nest.

Sharing today's images with Eileen at 
Viewing Nature With Eileen 
for Saturday Critters


  1. They haven’t arrived here yet. It is too early! And cold…and icy!

    Beautiful shots, Debbie! As always!

  2. Very fascinating birds! I have a challenge for you; one that I have yet to accomplish. See if you can get a picture of an osprey in a dive. I've tried and tried but have yet to succeed.

  3. We love to see an Osprey flying over head...I think they are here year round. Great photos of the big nest!

  4. Love your Osprey photos Debbie! I have heard they returned to Maryland too.
    Sometimes we see one here at our lake, I will be on the lookout for an Osprey.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  5. Terrific shots of the Osprey Debbie! They're not back here yet, but hope to see them eventually.

  6. The shots are great and really show the difference between the male and the female.

  7. Very interesting! I'm wondering if that male was selfish and ate the fish on the pole; and after the female flew over to check, I bet that's reason for divorce. How rude of him! Linda in Kansas

  8. What magnificent birds! What amazing photos you took, Debbie!

  9. Anazing photos! What a treat to be able to see them up close.

  10. You got and shared some great captures of the Osprey.

    All the best Jan

  11. Great pics and so exciting to get her in flight like that, glad you were finally able to get the time and go!
