
Sunday, March 31, 2024

Hoppy Easter...


from my very own Easter Bunny.
I took this picture so many years ago...and it has always been one of my favorites.
Have a wonderful holiday!

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Saturday Critters #537

  The days have been cold and windy here in New Jersey but still I decided to open the office window...
camera in hand to see what birds would come for a visit.
I have been doing this a lot recently...
soon this tree will be covered in leaves and the birds will be much harder to see and photograph.
Taking 50 pictures of one bird is not unusual for me.
I never really know if I am getting a good image until I put my chip into my computer.
If I am lucky, most will be good. 
Once a bird lands, 
they move around a lot...their different poses excite me and I want to memorialize them all. 

This is the Yellow Rumped Warbler
Present here only in the winter, 
I have been seeing so many in my yard I hope maybe they will stay for spring and summer.
When this little bird flies it shows a lot of yellow.

Carolina Chickadee
Looks very similar to the Black Capped Chickadee with very slight variations, 
and is present here at my feeders year round.

Female House Finch
This bird is starting to get mycoplasmal conjunctivitis, a very common eye disease in House Finches.
I see both male and female House Finches year round.

This poor little Female House Finch has both 
mycoplasmal conjunctivitis and a growth on the side of its beak.

We have washed the bird feeders in an effort to keep the other birds from contracting it as they will.
Feed your birds with seeds in clean feeders and always provide water as well as food.

Sharing today's images with Eileen at 
Viewing Nature With Eileen 
for Saturday Critters

Friday, March 29, 2024

milagro spa

It's been a busy week, fun a lot of my family is here from afar.
My sister lives in West Pennsylvania, about 7 hours from here, she is here and staying with me.
My brother and his wife are here from New Zealand, and my nephew is here from Colorado,
they are staying with my mom.
This evening, 
we are having a birthday celebration for my mom who is 90 today.
While my sister is visiting we decided to have facials together at a hoity-toity spa.
It is a lovely place that we were not sure we belonged in, 
but still it was fabulous.
If you have never had a facial, go get one, it really was wonderful.

- my sister -


This is a lounge area where you can sit and relax when your "treatment" is done.
This is a really beautiful, relaxing spa and we enjoyed our time here!

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Dying The Eggs...

 Dying eggs is symbolic of Easter.
When my boys were little, we dyed eggs every year at Easter time.
One important step in dying Easter Eggs is to hard boil them first.
I mention that step because I left it out, oh no...oh no...oh no, oh no, oh no!!
Not on purpose of course, just because, well I did not remember. 

We were about half way into the dying process when I thought of it...
I forgot to hard boil the eggs first.

Anyway, new trend...

Raw eggs dye really well, just in case you didn't know!

We had a blast! but don't forget to boil the eggs!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

10 Fun Things

- on a lighter note today, let's look at 10 fun things that made me smile -

- orange Umbrellas overhead -

- a Turtle where you'd least expect it -

- a Ladybug to brighten your day -

- a parade of Bluebirds at your feet -

- coloring, finishing and mailing this pretty birthday postcard -
- I love coloring -

- spotting this beautiful yellow 1950ish Ford Overdrive Car -

- hiding my Shells -

- watching this man dredge Spring Lake -

- dreaming about jumping in this Puddle -

- seeing this Sunset after a day of rain -

What made you smile today?

Monday, March 25, 2024

Caring For Your Elderly Parents...

Taking care of an elderly parent can be extremely rewarding, 
but it also requires fortitude and determination. 
The care starts off slowly...filling a prescription, doing a little laundry,
going food shopping for them or providing a ride to a doctor appointment.
Nowadays, people are living well into their 80's, and they can require a lot of help and care...
it can at times be daunting.
Hiring people to assist with some of the chores helps, but it can come with a feeling of 
guilt on your part or resentment from your parent.
Parents can feel that their family should be taking care of them and doing everything that is required.
It is necessary for family members to be involved in certain things...
especially doctor appointments.
There is a lot of information available for caregivers on how to care for their elderly parents.

- Educate yourself about your parents medical condition -
- Include your parents when making decisions -
- Plan ahead -
- Keep a close eye on your parents well being -
- Inlist helpers early on -
- Maintain respect in your communications with your parent or parents -
- Get support -

- try to make this time in your lives rewarding -

I am adding a ps, not that it is really important, but we are taking care of both of our mothers,
hoping we are doing a good job.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Saturday Critters #536

 There is a tale in New Jersey about the return of the Osprey in spring.
It is said that they always return to their breeding grounds, in New Jersey, on St. Patrick's Day.
On St, Patrick's Day, not the day before or the day after.
It is such an interesting story, first told to us by an employee at the Environmental Center in
Howell Township.
I wanted to check a few of the nests that I am familiar with right on St. Patrick's Day
but I just did not have the time.
The hubs took me to my favorite nest in Spring Lake on Wednesday, 3 days later, and there they were.

 Osprey are also call Fish Hawks, they weight about 3 pounds and have a wingspan of about 63 inches.
They fly south for winter, mate for life and lay eggs only once per year.

I took a gazillion pictures, here are some of my favorites.

This Osprey, which I believe to be the male, was eating a fish on this pole,
he never brought the fish to the nest to share it with the female.
The male Osprey has a little color on his neck, the female's neck is a pure white.
The pole he was perched on was close to the nest.

She left the nest just once while I was taking pictures and flew over to where the male was.
I was shocked to get this "in flight" picture as she returned to the nest.

Sharing today's images with Eileen at 
Viewing Nature With Eileen 
for Saturday Critters

Friday, March 22, 2024

What Happened To Spring

 It has turned very cold here in New Jersey, after we have enjoyed so many warm days,
we got spoiled.
But that's o.k., spring is coming and there are many signs that it will be here soon.
When you walk outside you can hear the birds singing...and the woodpeckers preparing their new homes.
The sun is bright and warm on your face.
I see little pink buds on the cherry blossom trees.

My many shades of purple crocus have come and gone.

My Daffodils are in bloom but have been impacted by the cold.

My tulips are starting to open but I can see the geenery has been burnt by the cold.

But the good news is, my Hydrangeas have some new growth on them

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Peeps In The Village Part II

This post is a continuation from Monday's entry.
This is what I wrote and you read if you stopped by on Monday, you can skip this part.

"This is the 5th time that Peddlers Village in Pa. has hosted 
- Peeps In The Village -
We have been before and I think we have seen all but one.
Wall Art, Sculptures and Dioramas 
made from Peeps and other craft materials these creative pieces are really amazing.
As I walked through the building where they were displayed, I thought about the families 
designing and building them...and what fun they must have had!
This is right up my alley, something I would love to do.
Inside, the smell of Peeps overtakes you but in a really good way - 
bring your camera you will want to record them all.
Adding to the fun, you can vote for your in each category.

I shared my favorites yesterday, these are in the order that I liked them.
Except Taylor Swift, I thought that creation was so amazing!

Pretty Peep Petals

No Peeping


Easter Peepcock

It's a Peep Thing


Board Game Fun

Racing To Camp




Taylor Swift

The Lucky Cupcake

We had a super fun day!!