
Monday, August 28, 2023

What's Left From Great Adventure

 We went to The Safari at Great Adventure recently, you may remember previous posts about that trip 
here and here.
We go kind of often, not into the park or for the rides...
just to drive through the safari in our car "4 wheel drive off road rig" 
a wonderful experience on days when it is just too hot and humid to be outdoors.

Every time we go we enjoy something different...
everytime we go, I get hollered at for having my window down.
I just open the window for the occasional picture, I don't leave it down but I always get caught.

Brown Bears

Black Bears



The Elephants are another of my favorites, the gentle giants who always look happy.

the name carries a small debate which I did not clearly understand when I read about it.

These housing units are scattered throughout the safari. 


Longhorn Cattle

Ibis - a bird not commonly found in this area.


If you look closely, you can see a baby nursing.

- until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened -


  1. Very nice Debbie. It looks like a nice place to visit.

  2. Love the photos! Worth taking the chance to open a window.

  3. Hello,

    Wonderful photos of all the animals. I would enjoy this safari.
    Have a wonderful week!

  4. The animals look well cared for, I like how the elk are in the water and the lion is sleeping in the sun on top of its shelter. If I lived near I would go often too, like you do.

  5. Omg what a wonderful virtual tour my friend!
    Many thanks for sharing.
    These are Delightful and Majestic photos of beautiful wild friends. I enjoyed them thoroughly libs is unfamiliar to me I guess.
    Lion and all are captured awesomely.
    Hugs and blessings

  6. That black and white ibis is gorgeous! The elk are smart--- they went swimming!! Lol

  7. The close-up of the Lion. Great shot, girl! That ought to be on the cover of some nature magazine.

  8. Good pictures
    Y'all are brave to drive through there fences or not.

  9. Here's a plan.... Get a bear suit, put it on after you enter the park. Then open your sunroof, put your head out and start taking pictures. They'll just think it's a bear going for a ride, taking pictures! Genius I tell you!

  10. Great photographs Debbie, my favourite one is the elk in the water.

    All the best Jan

  11. You got some great pics, the drive through one we went to in Colorado didn't mind if you rolled down your windows but we found out quick that it wasn't a good thing in the Buffalo/Bison area, they came right up and totally stuck their heads right in our windows, there were no fencing in this one they could roam wherever they wanted. I always say the wrong thing with what I call them, Greg knows the difference and always corrects me, you think I would remember, LOL.
    My favorite picture of them all is the deer on the hillside all laying together.
    I love your quote at the end :)

  12. Brilliant photos. Just look at the face of the Mouflon!! It made me smile :0)
