
Monday, June 19, 2023

Tween Swans

I went to visit "my" teen swans, boy have they gotten big.
Mom and Dad know me, they recognize me...
we had a long chat about life, I always tell them how beautiful the babies are.
They had eight cygnets, five remain.
According to google, the cygnets stay in the nest for 24 hours after hatching and then enter the water. 
Their first day in the water was May 6th, that would make them 6 weeks old here.

They are about the sweetest thing I have ever encountered.

If you are interested...
I wrote about their first day in the water, oh they were so tiny, here, and subsequent visits here and here.


  1. The swans have grown, I guess it is good they grow quickly.
    For their protection. Love the photos.
    Take care, have a great new week!

  2. So fluffy! So cute! đŸ©”

  3. Those teens grow fast! Love them to bits Debbie, so beauitiful!

  4. They are adorable! Balls of fluff! Fantastic photos!

  5. They certainly do play the role of the ugly duckling well. Soon they will mature into majestic and graceful swans!

  6. My apologies for the long delay in visiting your blog. Life just got in the way.

    Love these swan pictures. They are so beautiful and such graceful looking birds. The babies look so "fluffy."

  7. Really cute! But their itty bitty wings better start growing more. Linda in Kansas

  8. Dear Debbie!
    Swans are beautiful birds and your photos are perfect as always.

  9. A dear friend had two swans on her pond. unfortunately one was killed, mostly likely by an animal trying to rob it's nest. So pretty!
