
Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Just Outside My Office Window

 I often daydream, 
gazing outside my office window when I should be working.
In winter, the view is different, the birds more abundant, more playful and friendly.
I am rebuilding my relationship with the birds as I spent many months away from the window
after the tree trimming episode.
So camera in hand, 
I have been enjoying their company, and they are once again becoming comfortable with me.

Male House Finch

Mourning Dove

Dark-Eyed Junco
I identified this bird as a Junco because of it's shape and pink beak.
The feather coloring is light but I read in my bird book that there are a number of color forms.
It is a winter visitor and there were many in the yard on the day I took this picture.

Junior is always hanging out in the tree by the window...
keeping an eye on me and begging for peanuts.

- nature is not a place to visit, it is home -


  1. So nice to see beautiful birds 😁! Thanks for sharing 😃.

  2. Beautiful birds, love the cute squirrel. Great photos.
    Take care, have a happy day!

  3. Viewing such sweet creatures outside the window is a real pleasure.
    Very beautiful photos.

  4. These are beautiful close up pictures Debbie! I love the house finches-- we have them too!

  5. It sure is. Your window view is perfection. Junior is so cute!

  6. Those birds have probably just been waiting for you. Great shots once again.

  7. Isn't nature wonderful? Beautiful pictures... I especially think Junior is a handsome fellow!

  8. Ah, your great pictures out the window. Lovely.

  9. Junior Is Pretty Dang Cute - Incredible Photographs There Debbie - Stay Creative My Friend


  10. All such beautiful photographs! So much so that I feel like I'm seeing them in person!

  11. Debbie - that's quite a cheeky squirrel! To answer your question on my blog - I do keep a hand-written hiking journal just because I can't keep up with all the hikes and the other content I want to publish. So my hand-written notes are there when I need them!

  12. I missed this post somehow, but must say you have a window with a view, and what a delightful number of birds you managed to capture with your excellent photography. It's quite true, it's much better when nature comes to you, and you don't have to search for it.

  13. The birds are all beautiful, and the squirrel looks so cute :)

    All the best Jan

  14. Really nice! Juncos show up in big numbers here during winter.

  15. I do believe nature is home. The bird photos are lovely. I like the Male House Finch colors. I do love the Doves. I think my favorite today is Junior. I always enjoy the photos you get of him. I loved the squirrels in Washington.
    Big hugs for you!

  16. I enjoy reading your blog. Thank you for sharing your life with us. Beautiful photography pictures!! I'm in envy of your camera.
