
Friday, January 21, 2022

Blog Books

Right now it is snowing folks, 
but I am not getting my hopes up, it looks like it is going to be a bust. 
In addition to "Puttering Around" the house, 
I have worked on putting a few blog books together and ordering them. 
When I first started blogging and for quite a time after that, I printed my blog every 3 months.
I have so many books, I have been blogging for more than 10 years,
that I stopped printing it in June of 2018.
Lately tho, Blogger has been offering some great deals, 40 - 45% off, 
so I put three together and had them printed.
The plan is to get caught up as Blogger offers these promotions.

I have the books scattered all about the house, here are the first 8 books.
That is a Hallmark ornament in front of them, hanging from the shelf above it, it is one of my favorites.
It reads "together forever"

Books 9 - 28 are here on this bookshelf.
I sometimes take these off the bookshelf and place them on the coffee table,
so we remember to look through them.

I am working backwards from now, this is book 1 of the 3 I ordered.
I only received one so far, the other 2 are on their way!

A closer look, you can see that the word "Blog" is printed all over the book.

It starts with a Table of Contents

After making a few choices, picking pictures for the front and back cover,
they lay the book out for you including every post.

I think they do a pretty good job making use of the space.

These pictures are medium, I use to get large but I share so many pictures,
3 months no longer fits into 1 book.

I have written about my blog books in the past, herehere and here.

- today is a wonderful day, I have never seen this one before -


  1. What wonderful memories your family and you have in these publications, Debbie! You are smart to take advantage of printing discounts too!

  2. Oh that is great that they offer quite the deal on them, nice to have it in a book where you can just flip through instead of scrolling with the mouse, and the printing looks good, some pretty book marks you have there, did you make those?
    I see you have a bear collection of Ty's. I probably only have 4 or 5, mostly ones that look like past pets or were ones I just liked.

  3. Debbie, please send me the info on where you get your blog books printed. You can send it to my email if you'd like. Thanks. I think the idea is wonderful and I have thought about it, but never really done anything about it.

  4. Hello,
    Your blog books look great, it is nice to get a sale price too. I love the cute bicycle ornament.
    Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  5. Every new day has wonderful new possibilities♡ How fabulous to have all your blogs compiled into books. It would be wonderful to sit down, pick up a hard covered book or two, and walk down the path of memories that is your blog♡ I rather love the idea of reading one's blog from a book♡

  6. This is such a great idea and they look wonderful. A great way of getting the family history together, and see all the fun things you have done while turning the pages. Photographs are great memory tools I'm finding. Brilliant!

  7. The blog books are wonderful. Yours are beautiful!

  8. I didn't know they made these! Whew! That's a lot! Linda in Kansas

    1. i found out quite early on that blogger provided this service and i really enjoy having them in print!!

  9. They do look good Debbie ...

    I do like your words
    "today is a wonderful day, I have never seen this one before"

    Enjoy the remainder of Friday and have a happy weekend.

    All the best Jan

  10. I'm so impressed with these bogging books!

  11. I had no idea we could get our blogs published in books. These must be super cherished to have your blog in books for friends and family to flip through when they come for a visit.

  12. I made three books, too!! Thanks for the coupon heads up! I started my blog in January 2010 and now I am up to the middle of 2017!
    I just keep doing them every time I get a coupon. I have one secretary in the den full of my handwritten diaries and prayer books. The other one has a shelf of Bibles and one of my blog books. The first year I did 2 books but all the rest have 4 except for one year I had to make FIVE!!! Guess I had a lot of material that year!

    1. that's wonderful linda, do you get emails with their promotions?? 45% off was the best i have ever seen!!

  13. I make one every six months. I always use a coupon from Blog2Print. I leave out the table of contents to save on pages.
