
Friday, December 17, 2021

The Gingerbread Houses From Peddlers Village

Every year during the holiday season,
Peddlers Village hosts a gingerbread making contest for eager artists to participate in.
There are so many different categories, the works of art are judged by the participants age and group.
It does not have to be a gingerbread house, it just needs to have some gingerbread in it.
People who view them early on, vote and the winners receive ribbons.

The contest was over the night we went, it is fun to see the winners.

Here are 12 of my favorites, I will show you 12 more tomorrow.
They are numbered, so have some fun and play along. 
Pick a favorite, and let me know which one you picked in the comments.













- run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man -


  1. Hello,
    These are all wonderful, very creative ideas using ginger bread. I like the #1 and # 8 the Santa. But, they are all beautiful!
    Take care, enjoy your day and weekend!

  2. Isn't that kitchen aid mixer the cutest! How in the world can people come up with so many neat designs! WOW!

  3. All the gingerbreads are wonderful, difficult to choose.
    And yes, I run but I have never catched the gingerbread man: he is too fast.

  4. Wowza there are some incredibly talented people who made those gingerbread designs. That grand prize is amazing. Thank you for sharing the images.

  5. The mixer and Ghostbusters are really cute and clever.

    1. oooooh those ghostbusters, my michael's favorite!! the mixer was a favorite of mine too!!

  6. Wow, those are adorable. I think I love #1 the best. Then my next choices are #6 & 12. I like 6 because of the blue roofs. You like purple and my favorite color is blue.
    Blessings and hugs!

  7. Those are all impressive! I'm choosing #8 because of the humor involved. Lots of talent here!

    1. hehehehe, looks a bit like my kitchen!! i am a messy baker but everything always tastes great!!

  8. The stand mixer is just too fun!
    I was in Peddlers Village in the fall when visiting a friend in Doylestown. Always love that place.

    1. sooooooo wonderful to see you. we LOVE peddlers village too and visit several times a year!! merry christmas to you and all of your kiddos!!

  9. So hard to choose a favourite, they are all wonderful.

    All the best Jan

  10. Can I say my top 3. I love the first one for how elegant it is. Santa in the tub just brought a smile to my face and the last one with the windows all around is a really cool design! The ones in our town this year wasn't that great we went down last night to see them, to me the one that got second place should have gotten first in our town.
