
Saturday, December 18, 2021

Saturday's Critters #418

  I interrupt all the Christmas fun I have been sharing, to take you outside for a spin around 
Lake of the Lilies

First up was a game of peek-a-poo with a Mute Swan, 
I could not be more certain that this swan was having as much fun as I was.

These Mergansers were having "swim offs" with each other...
the boys were definitely beating the girls.

Ruddy Duck photo bomb.

Two girls, one top up, one top down.

The Mallards were sleeping, until they saw our car pull up.

Good thing the hubs always makes sure we have food for the ducks in the car!

Sharing today's images with Eileen at 
for Saturday Critters


  1. Beautiful! This lake has such blue water and it makes an awesome background for the swan and mergansers. I've never been able to get that close to mergansers, even with a long lens.

  2. All are so pretty and glad they get a treat.

  3. I am very glad that you feed the birds, they are so pretty and friendly.

  4. Beautiful playing ducks and swan!

  5. That first picture.......THAT SWAN!!--what a gorgeous creature! They are so elegant and beautiful. And I LOVE THAT PICURE OF THE resting duck with his head side ways.....the colors/patterns of the feathers are amazing, love seeing those, You captured all the birds so great, even the lil babies playing around. It's warm going outside today.

  6. Hello Debbie,
    The swans are always a pretty sight to see. The Hooded Mergansers are some of my favorites, wonderful photos.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  7. How neat that you bring good food for the ducks! The Swan is gorgeous! Happy holidays my friend. holiday hugs, Diane

  8. Wonderful shots as usual. The Mergansers are wonderful to see.

  9. Good break from all the pre-Christmas stuff!

  10. I love the light in these photos, Debbie. Feeding the ducks is a great idea.

  11. Love the mallards! I'm sure they appreciate being fed.

  12. These are beautiful shots!

    My latest post:

  13. I love the peekaboo pics you got, that is too cute. Wow there were a lot of the other ducks there this time wasn't there, bet it was fun watching them play!

  14. On I love how the swan is playing peekaboo. Too cute. I thought the other bird photos were so fun too. The Mergansers are adorable. Of course, I always love the Mallard photos. The best is your husband feeding them. I love how you love your feathered friends.
    Sending loving thoughts on this one!
