
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Goldenrod & Bees

 It's November and our Goldenrod is as yellow and as beautiful as ever.
 We have never experienced such mild temperatures in October & November 
and fall has been late to arrive.
It is good to see the bees and the yellow jackets feasting on this pretty flower...
that many call a weed.

I could have cropped these, but I really enjoyed seeing the bright yellow Goldenrod in the pictures.

Lake Como
Between Spring Lake and Belmar

- the flower does not dream of the bee ~ it blossoms and the bee comes -


  1. Debbie while I think your photos are amazing and I totally agree with your sentiments, I am so allergic to ragweed which is just what goldenrod reminds me

  2. Gorgeous! What could be prettier? Our goldenrod is gone to seed now. It looks good as seed too though.

  3. Beautiful! And I love the one with the bee! We have goldenrod at the ranch and because we do, we are not having to 'bucket feed' our bees with sugar water right now. They need to store up provisions for the winter so we are grateful for fall flowers and the nectar flow....

  4. Sunshine on a stem. That's what these goldenrod reminded me of.

  5. Beautiful! I love flowers. They're just so perfect.

  6. These are all beautiful photographs, my favourite is your last one.

    All the best Jan

  7. Debbie - fabulous photos! Canada Goldenrod is native here, and I love it in my garden! It attracts so many critters, and it self-propagates well!

  8. Very beautiful photos. I love to see the bees.

  9. Hello,
    I love the closeups of the goldenrod and the bee. The warmer temps have been nice, I am happy to put off the cold winter as long as possible. Take care, enjoy your day!

  10. Hello Debbie,:=) Lovely shots of the Goldenrod plant. The yellow flowers are pretty ,and yellow is such a cheerful sunny colour. The bees obviously love them from the look of your pictures. I love the quote, "The flower does not dream of the bee, it blossoms and the bee comes.":=)

  11. Gorgeous, I just heard on the news that you all are above normal temps but that it will start cooling down soon. So nice when we can enjoy Autumn for awhile longer, no rush for winter to come as far as I am concerned. I don't know how you can call something so pretty a weed but I guess that is the way it goes :) Enjoy

  12. Hi Debbie, I just saw your comment. Yes we are having similar weather to yours, and I now know the ID of the bird. Bloggers are so helpful, and I'm always grateful. I'm getting outdoors more now that I'm feeling better.I'll be back to see your critter post.

  13. Gorgeous photos Debbie, so sharp and clear of both blooms and bees.
