
Thursday, September 23, 2021

Road Trip...Close To Home

 The hubs and I took a "close to home" road trip...
Mystic, Connecticut 
Only 3 days, 2 nights, this is a place that is very familiar to us.
It is a place where we could wander, not getting too close to anyone...and we could eat outdoors.
Because of Covid, there was no cleaning service at the hotel.

I thought I was ready for a short trip, but I wasn't.
We did not get to see or do much of what we had planned.
After recovering from Covid, the symptoms get better but they also linger...
and you need a little extra time to rest and recuperate. 

I did get some pictures...

Draken Harald Ha`rfagre 
We saw this old Viking Ship off in the distance in the Mystic Seaport Museum 
It is the worlds largest Viking Ship sailing in modern times.
A crew of 32 sailed the longship across the North Atlantic to it current docking spot at the museum.

The next six pictures we took in Stonington, Connecticut... 

The next 8 pictures were taken in Watch Hill, Rhode Island...

The hubs wanted a picture with the "big boat".

In this image, a wooden boat in front of a yacht, 

- 14 to Smile -
A 114 foot luxury yacht, sleeps up to 8 people and can reach a top speed of 17 knots.
It's last port of call is Watch Hill, Rhode Island and the boat calls Palm Beach Florida home.

Wooden Boats are very popular in the area, these 2 are always docked here,
we have seen them on previous trips to Mystic.

The Watch Hill Lighthouse is in the background!
Unusual, in that it has a large keepers house attached to it.

Tappan zee Bridge now called The Mario M. Cuomo Bridge, no comment on that!

If you are wondering how we pass the time, 
we play this Scavenger Hunt.
The hubs knows the items by heart and I check them off for him.
And if you are wondering, I WON 44 - 36....
the hubs says I have an unfair advantage, but that's not true.
I am the one looking down all the time to cross things off,
 he always has his eyes on the road.
We play this game on every road trip!

- travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer -


  1. What wonderful photos! The two of you together are so sweet and happy. I hope you came home and you are having a restful week now. We are so tempted to make a trip but we keep thinking we should wait. At least we have places to go close by. The travel game looks like fun. We would have to specialize ours for around here! lol Hugs!

  2. You have to be kidding me, right!! They changed the Tappan Zee bridge's name to Mario Cuomo. I could throw up. I've gone over that bridge a bunch of times going to see my daughter in Rye. I sure am not going to call it by it's new name. Maybe with his scandal it will be changed back.

    1. hi have to be very careful as you approach the area. we were looking for signs for the tappan zee bridge, not knowing of the name change. the road work there is all done and things are a little confusing, it was our first time!! there is a pedestrian walk way on the bridge now, the view is beautiful and there were a lot of people using the walkway!!

  3. Hello Debbie:=) You photographed a lot of different kinds of boats. The yacht looks pretty impressive, but I also liked the Viking Ship,the large wooden boats, and the Light Houses. You two love birds look so happy in your photos, thanks for including them. So pleased you enjoyed your trip. Take care of yourselves.

  4. Hello Debbie,
    Your trip sounds and looks beautiful. I love the photos of the water and boats. Cute photos of you and your hubby! The Lighthouses are always a favorite of mine, lovely images. Take care, have a great day!

  5. Looks like a fun trip, Debbie. Love the pictures of you and hub! And I too love lighthouses... did you go inside the lighthouse? My girlfriend and I used to take road trips ever so often. Loved them.

    1. you are not allowed to go in it or even close to it, it is fenced off, i don't know why! you can see the fence in the pictures!

  6. I love everything about this post and YOU most of all!! I LOVED seeing YOU and your hubs and I did what I always do when I see pics of you - I check your footwear! It's so good to see you on your feet and yes, you probably did overdo it a bit - but I'm hoping it was worth in in boosting your morale and getting out and about again. I have actually been here before - on a trip with Amber after a synchronized swimming meet in Maryland. Nothing is very far away up there - not when you live in Texas where a 4-5 hour drive gets you to the middle of the state.
    Pace yourself! Love and prayers from Texas!

  7. What a wonderful area to visit. I pray you will fully recover soon, Debbie. You’ve had several rough months.

  8. I am glad you did get to go put for a short road trip. You certainly managed to get some great shots.

  9. Lovely to see these photographs from your recent trip.
    So nice to see the ones of you and the hubs :)

    ... and replying to a recent comment on one of my posts YOU ARE A POSTIVE PERSON, you've not had an easy time and yet you always share such positive things and wonderful photographs.

    My very good wishes, take care of yourself ...

    All the best Jan

  10. Replies
    1. thanks ruth, me too. the ride in the new car was awesome!!

  11. I'm so happy that you and Chuck could get away for a few days! And what a pretty place to visit! Your pictures are gorgeous! You and Chuck are the most adorable couple ever! Stay well Debbie, and continue to feel better. Hugs!!

    1. thanks jean, i hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

  12. So sorry that you weren't in quite the shape you were hoping but looks like you were still able to see a lot of things :) There are a few lighthouses in Michigan where the caretakers house is attached to the lighthouse. Those wooden boats are so pretty.
    Hope you continue to feel better and these lingering symptoms won't last long.

  13. I'm glad you were able to go, but hate that you're still not back to a hundred percent. The boats are great - the wooden ones in particular! I haven't seen many made of wood. Nice lighthouse, too! Those are something I miss.

  14. Traveling is a lot of fun. I'm happy you got out for a short trip. I'm sad your Covid weakness is still there. We had one of our families a daughter, husband and three children with us recovering from Covid for 12 days. My son in law was the worst and it has taken him two months to be almost back to normal.
    I enjoyed looking at all the ships and the Wooden boats are so unique. All the area look like beautiful places to visit. I did love the loving photos of the two of you.
    Blessings and hugs!
