
Wednesday, March 3, 2021

You Are My Sunshine...

my only sunshine -

This is an Apple Blossom Amaryllis

In the forecast, 7 more days of full sunshine and I could not be more excited!

Enjoy the rest of this amazing week as we tick toward spring!


  1. There is nothing like beams of sunshine and a pretty flower or two to make one's heart glad.

  2. I want to curl up in that chair, bathed in sunshine and take a nap.

  3. How do you get seven days of sunshine? You must be very important!

    1. hehehehe, i am very important, you are also!!!

  4. Waving at you dear Debbie! I hope this finds you well! As always your photos are beautiful. Hugs! Bonnie

  5. Debbie - we are also seeing a major warming trend, and the snow is melting quickly. This afternoon we sat on the deck and enjoyed an adult beverage. Yep, I am (almost) ready for spring to arrive!

  6. Hello, Debbie

    The sunshine is welcomed, I am so ready for warmer days and Spring. I be have to Spring forward next weekend too. Your flowers are beautiful. Take care, have a happy day!

  7. Love your Apple Blossom Amaryllis ...

    All the best Jan

  8. A chair sitting in the sunshine with beautiful flowers and plants around, that just says happiness to me!! :)

  9. I love the beautiful Apple Blossom Amaryllis and it reminds me that Spring will soon be here. I need some indoor plants with flowers. I love the chair in the sunshine. Soak the Sunshine in; I try to do that. My mood improves with sunshine.
    Blessings and hugs!
