
Friday, February 19, 2021

Afternoon Sunshine

The afternoon sunshine came before the snow... 

and drenched the new flowers on the Kalanchoe in sunlight.

The Chickadee enjoyed the rare sunshine, as we have had so many cloudy, gray days.

This is a rare capture of the Nuthatch,
I see them all the time in the winter but they are very difficult to photograph.
I was so happy to see and photograph this one.

Then the snow came...
It started on Thursday, large, fluffy snowflakes fell from the sky, it was beautiful.

I made semi-homemade cream of potato soup...

It was so good on a cold, snowy afternoon.

There was a little Racko,
 I love a good game of Racko on a snowy day, especially when I win!


  1. What a GREAT day, sunshine to start and snow to entertain and home made soup to comfort and a game to top it off.

  2. It sure looks beautiful out your window and I love that sweet little bird. I like the quote in your last post too and I saved that image on my desktop. Enjoy your day! Sweet hugs, Diane

  3. Oh the birds do look so pretty sitting there in the sunshine, as do your lovely flowers!!
    So neat you were able to get a pic of the nuthatch!!
    The starlings have come back and they won't leave my suet alone, thankfully we have one of those weight sensitive bird feeders that only the little ones can eat out of so they are getting something too!

  4. Doesn’t the sun make such a difference? I feel better when it’s sunny. The birds are perfect, as usual.

    We also love cream of potato soup. Such a lovely winter meal.

  5. Beautiful photos. The birds look amazing in the sunshine.

  6. We are seeing the sun here for the first time in a week or 9 days. Let the melting begin!

  7. Love that chickadee! Nuthatches don't sit still for long. For that matter, neither do chickadees. LOL! Beautiful snow!

  8. I do like your Kalanchoe, what a beautiful colour it is.

    Always enjoy seeing your birds ... and oh my! Look at that snow!
    Keep warm and have some soup :)

    All the best Jan

  9. Now, That’s what I call a good snow day! (Or perfect on a rainy one in my case.)

  10. I always love your competitive spirit with playing games. Your soup did sound great for a winter day. The Nuthatch bird is a beauty for sure. You captured it well. We have been having a lot of gray days so I love it when the sun shines. I am much more ambitious.
    Sending hugs!
