
Monday, November 30, 2020

Thanksgiving Remembered

 My days are all jumbled right now, since Mike left, I am trying to get back into my routine.
Since I am posting this so late, this will be my post for today and tomorrow, December 1st.
WoW!! Can you believe it is December already?
Mike and I decorated the house for Christmas, the hubs also helped, and just like that, 
the trees were lit and the garland hung and the house looks like a Christmas wonderland.
But before I can move on to Christmas,
 I must remember and share my memories of Thanksgiving.

Just the three of us, Thanksgiving was a day of joy and happiness.
The meal was pretty darn spectacular, if I must say so myself.
There isn't one picture of the table or the food, busy getting it together, 
I just did not think about it.
There is not one picture of Michael, I will try to do better at Christmas.

Our Thanksgiving Mix-Up game was a huge hit.
Mike = Champ
can be seen bottom right on Mike's card,
he was in fact the winner!

There was an answer sheet, I should have peaked at the answers,
which I could have done,
I came in third, only completing 7 of 14.
Mike had 9.

The boys enjoyed the Turkey scratch-offs,
both were winners with pumpkins!

This Thanksgiving word search was fun also.
Mike = Champ once again!

Our Crackers were fun.
The hubs got a shark puzzle, I got bowling, I cannot remember what Mike got.

Mike cleared the table and threw everything else out, 
good thing we were all still wearing our hats.
We each got a joke, and a card to write what we are thankful for,
Mike , I'm sure, did not realize that I save those things.

We all watched the parade together...that was so nice!!

While he was home there were a lot of games of Rack-o.
Mike kept winning, and I must admit, that I have never seen him smile quite that much!
Rack-o was introduced to us by Mike and it is probably my favorite game.

6 games of Scattergories
the hubs was the overall winner...and yes, I became the biggest loser!!

We played Uno too, a family favorite!
We had such a great week and Thanksgiving with Mike,
he will be back for Christmas and I can hardly wait!

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Saturday Critters ~ 363 ~

 Youngest son Michael has left...the house is quiet and I miss him already.
Yesterday, he went for a ride with his Dad, to Lakewood, so he could see the buildings.
I stayed behind to start dinner, meatloaf and mashed potatoes, 
white corn and carrots, all of Mikes favorites.
After I finished preparing things, I took the camera out, I opened the office window,
and this Male Cardinal landed on the "picture branch".

He was bright and beautiful, sharing every angle of his brilliant body.
I will see he and the Mrs. all winter long.
They are always such a bright spot among the trees.

Sharing today's images with Eileen at 
Viewing Nature With Eileen 
for Saturday Critters

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving!

As you stuff the turkey and prepare your Thanksgiving meal,
may we give thanks for all that we have.
Let's enjoy the company we have and understand why we can't all be together.
May we practice gratitude, in the deepest form...
good friends, family, a home and the kindness of others.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Yarn Along

 Youngest son Michael is home, so I have only been crocheting a little.
He works from home in Chapel Hill, North Carolina,
 has quarantined himself before coming, and drove here, instead of flying. 
We feel super safe having him here and we are so happy to be sharing Thanksgiving with him!
It will just be the 3 of us and that's fine with me.

First up...

The crocheted Infinity Scarf using the Alpine Stitch.

I finished another snowman needle punching ornament.
It just needs to be mounted on the wood ornament base.

And here is the Trellis Shawl, washed and blocked,
it really looks beautiful!

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Frequent Flyers

 Two of the most frequent visitors to my feeders are the...

Tufted Titmouse

and the...


I am also seeing more...

Male Cardinals


Female Cardinals 

There has been so much action at the feeders, they need to be filled daily!
Lucky me!

Monday, November 23, 2020

A Christmas Wonderland

 ooooh how I wish you guys could see it...
It is without doubt the most beautiful Christmas shop I have ever shopped at.

So much thought is put in to each display, 
if this does not put you in the Christmas spirit, nothing will!

For someone just starting out, 
this would be the perfect place to buy a few decorations,
and start their Christmas collection.
But it is also a great place to walk around for a few minutes,
to put yourself in the Christmas spirit.
And we all need that this year!

Opdyke Furniture Store, Point Pleasant, New Jersey

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Wise Words On Sunday

 And the people stayed home...
They read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art,
and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still.
They listened more deeply.
Some meditated, some prayed, some danced.
Some met their shadows.
And people began to think differently.
And the people healed.
And in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless,
and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.
And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again,
they grieved their losses, 
and made new choices, and dreamed new images,
and created a new way to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Saturday Critters ~ 362 ~

 Yesterday, I spent a little time at the office window, "talking" to the birds.
I have the window open when I take these pictures,
and keep my fingers crossed that no one flies inside the house.
I took a lot of pictures but only some are worth sharing.

I love my Blue Jays
They are friendly, they pose for pictures and they alert other birds when a Hawk is present.

They get a bad rap for being so loud but it is their alert to other birds that make them loud.

They are mainly blue and unmistakeable, beautiful when their crest is up!

Mourning Dove

The Male House Finch
This is a very common bird at the feeders, they are very easy to photograph.

The Female House Finch
Also very common at the feeders, they are also very easy to photograph.


Sharing today's images with Eileen at 
Viewing Nature With Eileen 
for Saturday Critters