
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Frequent Flyers

 Two of the most frequent visitors to my feeders are the...

Tufted Titmouse

and the...


I am also seeing more...

Male Cardinals


Female Cardinals 

There has been so much action at the feeders, they need to be filled daily!
Lucky me!


  1. Hello Debbie,

    I like your title Frequent Flyers, very cute! Your photos are beautiful, love the Titmouse, Chickadee and the Cardinals. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. Hi Debbie, your photos of these darling little birds are stunning! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Dear Debbie!
    Your photos are stunning! Wonderful birds have visited your feeders.
    Hugs and greetings.

  4. Debbie, I saw a couple nuthatches today and a hawk that had a squirrel in his talons. I miss our cardinals. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  5. I've only ever seen one Tufted Titmouse!

  6. We have a feeder too and we are mainly getting sparrows at this time. I love the Cardinals; there colors are so beautiful. However, each of the others are lovely too. I do see the personalities of these birds in many of your photos. You do get great shots.
    Blessings and hugs!

  7. They all look so friendly! Great photos. Thanks for sharing. If you have Facebook South Dakota Birding you will see our infamous "Dachota" duck. He is a beauty!

  8. Beautiful photos! The little ones usually don't sit still for long.

  9. I have never seen cardinals but people are seeing them around the island this fall. Such gorgeous birds.

  10. You have such lovely birds at your feeder, great photographs.

    All the best Jan

  11. Yes, Debbie, we're filling our daily too...six seed feeders and 3 suet feeders!...:)jp

  12. Absolutely gorgeous photos, I just had to fill my suet feeders yesterday but I don't have as many birds, I don't go through it that fast. There has been stray cats hanging around again and that is causing the birds to stay away I think :(
