
Thursday, October 3, 2019

Flutter By

They do flutter by, don't they?

Cabbage Butterfly
I think I have this first one right, but feel free to correct me if I am wrong...
I find this butterfly very difficult to photograph,
as it flutters about, rarely stopping long enough for a picture.
This little one was different, posing long enough for 3 decent pictures.

The Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
I see these infrequently, but when I do they are very easy to photograph.
Females may be either yellow or black, while males are only yellow.
This is a female, males do not have the pretty splash of blue.
Their life span is about 2 weeks.

The Painted Lady
very easy to photograph and very plentiful this year.

If you follow my blog, you know that I have seen a lot of butterflies in my gardens this year.
These are just a few of the many species I have seen.
I have also raised and released a large number of butterflies as well.
I just brought more than 30 caterpillars indoors to keep safe until they chrysalis.
More on that another day!


  1. As always another fine collection of photographs. These butterflies have some of the best of nature's beauty on display.

  2. As constantly another fine accumulation of photos. These butterflies have the absolute best of nature's excellence in plain view.
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  3. The butterfly at the beginning is a Cabbage White (Pieris rapae). As far as I can tell it has only one black spot on the dorsal forewing which means it is a male.

  4. Debbie, I have seen the best butterfly photos on your blog. I love that you share with us. I have been out gardening this year, so I know I have missed the beauty of nature, myself. I can't wait to read about the caterpillars you took inside. Blessings , xoxo, Susie

  5. These are all butterflies which live also in my corner of the world.

  6. Cabbage butterfly, the name doesn't do it justice:)

  7. I see the first one quite often in the warmer months, but never so close, beautiful capture! ☺

  8. I always have trouble taking their pictures but you get some awesome shots, it always saddens me when you talk about their lifespan, I wonder why God made them that way. Such beauty!

  9. You got some good shots of the Cabbage butterfly. I agree, they are almost constantly in motion and therefore hard to photograph.

  10. You butterfly whisperer you! Gorgeous!

  11. Wonderful photographs Debbie.

    All the best Jan

  12. I’m not sure how you do it - these are great! I never quite seem to be able to catch a good photo of a butterfly

  13. Spectacular photos Debbie. I love how the wings of the Painted Lady reflects the brilliant colour of the flowers :D)

  14. Great shots! I really love the eyes on the yellow one.

  15. All butterflies are beautiful, though I particularly the pretty colouring of the Easter Tiger Swallowtail. How beautiful she looks against those pretty white and yellow flowers.

  16. Gorgeous photos! The swallowtail has some beautiful colors!

  17. Gorgeous, gorgeous pictures! I love butterflies. :-)

  18. Spectacular butterfly photos as always. I loved that you got the first ones. I haven't seen one like that before. I always enjoy learning more about them. You are amazing!
    Big hugs~
