
Friday, October 4, 2019

Belmar Kite Festival

The Belmar Kite Festival
On Third Avenue in Belmar, New Jersey...all the big flyers were there,
and it was the perfect day to fly a kite.
Right on the beach, with the ocean as the backdrop, 
is there any better way to enjoy these colorful "flying machines" than against a pretty blue sky!
There was a man making bubbles there as well, 
in a few of the pictures, you can see the large bubbles!



Can you find me trying to catch a bubble?
It's not really very hard!


  1. I love dragons. I was a dragon in a previous life.

  2. Found you! These photos are as good as being there!!

  3. I had never seen 3d kites before! :)
    Snoopy is my favourite, of course!

  4. Oh my word! Gone are the days of the simple triangular kites I remember from my childhood. Beautiful scenes.

  5. What a great event! My son would love this I think☺

  6. How fun and so colorful, it just amazes me the amount of them all so close together you would think they would get tangled, especially those ones with long extensions on them. That was a beautiful blue sky for the background!!

  7. What a colorful display, and it looks like the perfect day. Who gets the photo credit for the photo of you going after that bubble?

  8. My favorites are the dragons and Snoopy! Very cool kites!

  9. Kites always make me smile ... and especially on a beach! Your photos are wonderful.

  10. You are so cute chasing that bubble. I loved all the kite photos but for me Snoopy was the best one. You got some delightful photos and the fact bubbles showed up is wonderful.
    Blessings and hugs!
