
Monday, June 3, 2019

Way Back When...

the azalea's were still in bloom and Mr. and Mrs. House Sparrow were building their nest,
I captured these pictures of the happy Mrs.
Mr. was off gathering nesting materials 
and the Mrs. was thrilled to get in some "alone" camera time!

Here she thinks she is hiding from me...can you see her?
I loved these pictures, she is such a cutie!

House Sparrows, such beautiful birds with such an interesting feather pattern...
lot's of color changes and details there!

I'm so glad they choice "my home" to make "their home" and have their babies.
They are nesting in the beautiful bird house, up by my front door.
The hubs bought me this birdhouse one year for my birthday, 
it has brought me so much joy!

I took this picture this morning.
My Gold-flame Spirea and Daylilies are blooming right now.
I love this time in the garden...I'm so happy to be here to enjoy it! 


  1. I hope that the House Sparrows reward you with a fine bunch of children. Just watching them grow will give you a lot of joy.

  2. She is a glorious creature, that’s for sure. The front yard looks so pretty and alive with nature!

  3. I am so glad you have visitors living in your birdhouse.
    What good pictures.
    I am glad you are feeling better.

  4. Hello, your bird house is so pretty. I am glad you are able to watch these sparrows up close. Beautiful photos. Enjoy your day, have a great new week ahead.

  5. I will agree, the House Sparrows do have beautiful feather detail.You got some amazing pictures of the Mrs.

  6. Love your bird house, and really enjoyed seeing your sparrow photographs.

    All the best Jan

  7. The Mrs is a beauty, isn't she. She bedecks your azaleas beautifully. Love that birdhouse!

  8. The Mrs is a beauty and so is your nest-box.

  9. That is the nicest bird house I have ever seen and now is very special with nesting birds in it. Sorry I was away last week and could not comment. Have a good week.

  10. Beautiful photos! That birdhouse is "uptown" as far as birdhouses go!

  11. Love that birdhouse.. no wonder they want to live there.

  12. Debbie - sometimes we (maybe just me) look down on sparrows as common and not very colorful. But as you point out, they are attractive in their own right. And a birdhouse for a queen! Wow! With that spirea as your front yard, who wouldn't want to live there?

  13. That little House Sparrow is a cute one and as always you got some great shots. I love your bird house and would love to find one to put in our yard.
    Blessings and hugs!
