
Friday, December 28, 2018

Local Lights

Here in my hometown we take exterior illumination at Christmastime seriously...
- very seriously -

Hot Chocolate in hand, we went for a ride in our four wheel drive sled, 
to check out the Christmas spirit of our fellow towns people.
Here are a few of my favorites!

- this house was my favorite -

- this my second favorite -

- this house had the most lights, 25,000 -

The people in this house had the best sense of humor!!


  1. Hello, I was just saying to my hubby I have NOT seen many people decorating like in past years. It is not true where you live, love all the lights and decorations. The Ditto sign is cute too. Enjoy your day and weekend.

  2. I am afraid if I lived in that neighborhood I too would have to create a ditto sign:) I think your number 2 would be my number 1.

  3. It always amazes me the amount of stuff some people can fit in their yards. We went riding around our neighborhoods Christmas eve and I was able to get a few good ideas for next year :) I love the elegant ones with just simple lights, I think your second favorite was my favorite of all, but the last is just too funny!

  4. Very pretty! I especially love the mailbox, very original. :)


  5. WOW! That certainly is WONDERLAND Debbie. Thank you for all your comments over the year. I am just back from Cape Town with thousands of photographs which I now have to edit! I hope that 2019 will bee a a happy and healthy one for you and your family.

  6. Very impressive! Beautiful displays! I do like the last one just because of the humor!

  7. Oh, your hometown does take Christmas lights seriously. Wow, these are som outstanding homes with lights. I like your choices for favorites. The Ditto one does have a cute sense of humor. Thanks for sharing all of these; it was fun.
    Sending happy thoughts and hugs your way!

  8. Your second favourite house is wonderful :)
