
Thursday, July 5, 2018

Tween Wrens

I had to watch them for a while to be sure it was them,
they have changed so much since the last time I saw them.
Gone are all the baby features,
gone are the little fluffs of baby hair that made me giggle.

They love this birdhouse, 
which is only about 5 feet away from their nest in my chair.

They hung out around here for quite a while, 
it looks like all 3 have survived.

They are so cute and playful - I was really happy to see them again.

ps...I went back to look at my First Flight post,
where I first discovered and documented that they had left the nest.
The markings around their eyes look so different today.
Are these the same young birds?
It sure seems they are,
they are still hanging with the momma Carolina Wren and their tails have developed!
Any thoughts?


  1. Such a treat to have them around. You’d think it was the same three from their familiarity with the area!

  2. Hello, cute photos of the wrens. Maybe you had both the juvenile Carolina Wrens and the House Wrens. The Carolina Wren does have more of a distinct line above the eye. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

    1. could be eileen...these were hanging with a mature carolina wren. i am unsure, going to keep an eye on things!!

  3. I know zip about birds, so don't ask me. :)

    Your photo's are great, Debbie.


  4. These birds look like House Wrens to me. As Eileen points out Carolina Wrens have a prominent white supercilium and even the juveniles have this feature. Sometimes adults of one species will feed the young of another species, especially if they have lost their own brood for whatever reason. The two Wrens are closely related and have inhabited the same area so that may explain why the young of one species are associating with the adult of a different species. In any event enjoy their company!

    1. but they have the long, perky tails. when you pointed out the house wrens last time, they did not have the tails. maybe i just have a lot of tween birds in the yard and i am very confused!!

  5. I cannot judge if they are the same wrens or not, but if they are... time flies!!

  6. They sure are cute and always the loudest birds at our feeders. I love your close ups and read your comments. Eileen always has good ideas for birds!

  7. That’s so fun that they live right there so that you can watch them grow! I like thinking of them as tweens (lol) - and am also happy they’re doing well!

  8. I always like to see your photographs, I know so little about birds, but they are always so nice to see.

    All the best Jan

  9. The little ones in your other post were definitely Carolina Wrens. These do appear to be House Wrens as others have said. Great photos! I only see Carolina Wrens around here.

  10. I like them, no matter which type of Wren they might be. They certainly seem to have a fair amount of attitude - open beaks and all!!! Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Not sure if they are the same, but they SURE ARE ADORABLE and fun to watch! We love watching them too---through your pictures! Every day I come here and you have something to make me smile! Thank you, girlfriend!

  12. (I try not to think too much. It tires me out.)

  13. I don't know much about Wrens.
    Just enjoy them and I love your photos.

  14. I think you are lucky to have these growing tenants in your birdhouse no matter what they are. I am feeling rather bird-deprived right now, so I'm a little envious.

  15. Wow you sure did get some terrific close up pictures of them, that would be so neat if they are the same ones. We have named a few of the birds that come to our feeders and I often wonder if they are different ones :) So cool they are getting good use out of the house!

  16. Awww, Debbie, all grown up and still absolutely adorable.
    It never ceases to amaze me, how fast birds mature.
    Thank you for these photos! Is is so nice to see them doing well.

  17. I love when you do an update of the babies you watch develop. These are lovely ones. It is amazing how fast they grow. You are blessed to be part of taking photos of Heavenly Father’s precious creatons. Blessings and hugs!
