
Sunday, March 4, 2018

Playing Hard To Get

My small, song birds have been playing hard to get.
Ever since the hawk was here in the yard, my feathered friends seem a lot more tentative. 
They don't sit out in the open like they use to.
They have been taking shelter in the trees and evergreens
out of the sight of the larger preying birds!

Eventually they come around, but I can see they are nervous.
I am hoping in time, they will feel more comfortable like they have in the past.

Isn't it nice to see them basking in the sunshine!


  1. Sunshine is good.

    It's freezing here today. It's like, 60 degrees. I don't know how I'll survive.

  2. Great photos, Debbie. Sun bathing!

  3. Loving the sunshine! It is here also, but a bit cool for us. :)


  4. Beautiful photos! Gotta play it safe when the meat eaters are around.

  5. Yes, it is always a treat to see pretty birds resting in the sunshine, soaking it up. I am quite certain this pretty fellow will want to stay with you a little longer, very soon.

  6. Such a treat for any of us to bask in the sun, including the birds. I bet that big guy was pretty scary for them!!!

  7. Awe you still got a wonderful capture, and the first one, such attitude in that one!

  8. You captured some great shots. I really like that last one!

  9. I love your photos. Those little birds make waiting out winter a little easier.

  10. They look lovely in the sunlight.

  11. Marvelous photography dear Debbie!
    i am glad these cute little birds are able to sit fearlessly ,hope hawk is gone away now

  12. the good part is they have sensed/seen the danger and are keeping themselves safe. The bad part is you don't get to see them and enjoy them as much as you used to. Hopefully they will be coming out and around more and more when they realize Mr. Hawk has moved on?

  13. I'm glad they are smart enough to stay hidden until they know for sure that nothing is stalking them except you and your camera!

  14. It is always a bummer when something comes around and scares the birds, we have a couple cats that come around too, and the birds seem to leave when they are around, glad they didn't stay shy and turned for you to capture their front side too. They sure to blend in well with the trees, but you still were able to capture them beautifully!

  15. But you still got some beautiful photographs, Debbie.
    I hope that hawk stays away, and I am sure that in time your sweet little feathered friends won't be so afraid.

  16. The photos are so lovey and I really loved the last one. The bird is a sweet one and I liked the colors of the little bird and lighting in the photo. I feel sad that these little birds have to hide and have fear from the bigger preying birds.
    Big hugs!
