
Friday, June 9, 2017

Have a Day That Matters!!!

The other day the hubs and I went out for breakfast.
I was secretly trying to recreate the blueberry pancake breakfast I had in Stonington.
The pancakes were good - but nothing close to the one we had at Noah's.
* sigh *

Afterward, I wanted to go to the beach.
I start my "sneaky" way of talking the hubs in to it.
It just finished raining, it's chilly, a week day...
essentially not a beach day = a beach day for us and sea glass hunting.
He goes for it and we head that way...the beaches are empty,
no life guards, no sun bathers, you don't have to pay,
the beaches are deserted.

We have work at home to do but we have decided to
"have a day that matters"
- and we did -

The hubs found 4 pieces of sea glass...nada for me.
One of his pieces was light purple, so that was a score.

There wasn't much debris/stones/shells at the break line,
we don't usually find much glass when it's like that.

But it was a beautiful day, a day that mattered!


  1. Hello, lovely views of the ocean. It is great having days like this, you deserve more days like this. Have you tried making your own blueberry pancakes? YUM! Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  2. I agree. The work can wait and your day that mattered was beautiful to behold!

  3. aw, a day that matters...what a cool concept

  4. Those pictures are frame-worthy. And, what a fun time for the two of you. Sorry you didn't find any glass. I'd hope hubby would let you have that nice pretty lavender one.

  5. Skies like that help the photos a lot.

  6. Indeed, a day that matter! These kinds of days are always a blessing and I'm so glad you enjoyed your outing :) Hugs to you!

  7. Ohhh wow yes!!!! What a day!!! And yes, it mattered.

    There are always "things" which need doing. That's life.

    So wise, to set them aside, now and then, and "Take Joy!"

    Full Strawberry Moon hugs!

  8. Such a wonderful morning and a day that really mattered!

  9. A wonderful day that mattered! Doesn't get any better than that!


  10. Yay on the sea glass and a day out and about soaking up the sun! Great day, pretty and sunny. So glad you enjoyed, we all need a day away!

  11. Yay on the sea glass and a day out and about soaking up the sun! Great day, pretty and sunny. So glad you enjoyed, we all need a day away!

  12. Your pictures show how very beautiful it was Debbie. I'm with you, those chores around the house will always be there. The memories are priceless :)

  13. Days like that are precious indeed. I'm glad you chose to do this instead of working. You,no doubt, made wonderful memories.

  14. Hi there Debbie, so glad y'all got to go and enjoy that beautiful day on the beach! The colors are so amazing, really just beautiful pictures!!--are you using your new camera?? we dont have any big plans this weekend, we are "winging it"--but actually that's when many of the BEST TIMES happen, when we don't plan! ha ha LOL Happy weekend!

  15. Awesome! I love beach glass so much!!! The ocean looks glorious! Xoxo Andrea @ This Knitted Life

  16. Fabulous! Those days are priceless :D) xx

  17. An empty beach is a great beach! Love the ocean shots!

  18. These are the best photos and what a wonderful day!

  19. I like the idea of having a day that matters!

  20. What a truly beautiful day you had!
    Lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

  21. I truly believe that there is nothing more important than days that matter.
    I am so glad you had a wonderful one.
    I just love these photographs.

  22. I agree, sometimes you just have to leave behind what needs to be done and just have a day out having fun together!
    Wow the waves were really big that day, I love hearing the sound of the waves crashing onto the beach.
    Bonus that your hubby found the sea glass with all of that, and purple too, quite the score there :)

  23. You do create days that matter. I liked the photos of the sea dashing against the rock; great shots. Sorry, there wasn't as much sea glass. I do know you will have other sweet days of doing this one. Hugs~

  24. I actually came back in to look again at "The Vincas Are In!", because you have such a beautiful, take-notice, outdoor landscaping scene going on ... but the title of this drew me in - oh my gosh! stunning, just stunning!!! Food for the weary soul that I am ... thank you!!!
