
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Christmas Train Village Spectacular

What is it about train displays that draws our immediate attention and tugs at our heart strings?

This exhibition, free to view, is on display in one of the public buildings in Spring Lake.
We went and had a peak after the tree lighting and hayride.

Saturday, November 26th, such a fun and festive day!!


  1. Hello, great captures of the Christmas train village. I remember going to see them as a kid and I took my son when he was young too. Pretty display! Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  2. This is so beautiful and nostalgic and perfect for Christmas! It brings back memories of my son's train set at Christmas!

  3. Beautiful and spectacular Christmas Train Village display! My attention would be drawn too!

  4. Oh, how nice! I bet that took many hours to set up!

  5. I sooooooo wanted an electric train set when I was a kid!

  6. Oh, love these Debbie! Trains remind me of my dad when he would tell us kids about "hopping to the box car to visit his dad in Detroit!"

    Sorry, haven't been around much; my computer has been giving problems.

  7. Hello Debbie!
    Very beautiful photos and wonderful about Christmas.
    Greetings from snowy Poland.

  8. This is awesome - I love little villages and trains! What a fun catch!

  9. "What is it about train displays that draws our immediate attention and tugs at our heart strings?"

    They are somehow magical, nostalgic and colourful, and always a joy to see.
    Lovely photo's - I only wish I could actually visit in person!

    Happy December Wishes

    All the best Jan

  10. That's very nice. You know that trains and model railroads hold a special place in my heart, since my Hubby loved them so much.

  11. You are absolutely right about the feelings these displays evoke. Happy Christmas Season!

  12. Big train displays done up right like this one are so fun to go look at! They are just so fun-- for all ages!

  13. They did a terrific job with it, yes it makes you feel like a kid again to look at the village and have a train running through, special and fun Christmas event, and so neat it is free too!

  14. Oh wow! What a gorgeous display! I could look at all the details for hours.

  15. The train displays are so festive. This reminds me of a train display we were so happy to get to be inside for awhile. We did a walking tour of the botanical garden in Richmond with all the grandkids a few years back. It was SO COLD!

  16. Oh, my husband would love to see this one. He loves trains and always wanted a big train set table with all the buildings and etc. His brother has a huge one and is selling it; but still way too expensive. He wanted about $3,000.00. We are now retired so can't invest in this much. Thanks for the awesome photos of this one! Hugs~
