
Friday, September 9, 2016

Great White Egrets

Soon these beautiful birds will be leaving the Jersey Shore 
and heading south to their over wintering spots. 
We went searching for them on Sunday, 
I know where they hang out around Bradley Beach and they were easy to find.

I generally start snapping as soon as I get out of the car 
because they often fly off as soon as they see me.
This one was unaffected by my presence and actually hung around much longer than I expected.

They are large, elegant birds with an impressive wing span.
I will miss them over winter!

September 4, 2016


  1. Lindas fotografias e belos momentos.
    Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

  2. WOW These are wonderful shot especially the take off flight one Debbie

  3. Beautiful birds and great photos!

  4. Hello Debbie, awesome series on the Egret. They are beautiful birds. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  5. Fantastic captures, Debbie! He looked you in the eye and then bade farewell! The last shot is wonderful to show their size!
    Happy weekend!

  6. They are as elegant as they are impressive and so very wise to take off for the cold harsh winter. Hmm, something I've been thinking about too! Hehehe!

  7. Oh my, what gorgeous pictures! You are so good at photographing birds!

  8. They must think we are the WORST hunters, sneaking up on them in the open...huh?

  9. Quite an impressive fellow! I have only seen them when I traveled down south.
    BTW--that Putt-Putt course is impressive too. WOW! I do love to play.
    Two children within one year? Good job! It took me 14 months. LOL

  10. Amazing pictures of these beautiful birds.

  11. Those birds are so beautiful!
    I've never seen anything like those around Oregon....
    Thank you so very much for sharing!

    Many blessings,

  12. gorgeous. i love the 'darning needle' shot.

  13. These are fantastic! I love the white/blue contrast! Beautiful photos!

  14. If we can talk in their language sometimes, they will understand and stay longer.

    The problem is, they don't understand us.

  15. .. gorgeous photos..... the one taking flight is fantastic..... Barb xxxx

  16. I love that you are as obsessed with birds as I am. They were my fave part of the San Diego zoo so many exotic crazy species out there! I wish I could have looked longer but Reed was naughty. Xoxo Andrea @ This Knitted Life

  17. Great photos, such an elegant bird and captured beautifully in your lens.

  18. Oh, my goodness! Beautiful photos and that last one would win first place at the State Fair!

  19. Enjoyed seeing thses photos of the great egret and miss the trips we used to take to Chincoteague, VA to see them as well as herons and other shore birds. Glad this one was such a patient subject for you, Debbie.

  20. What would life be without egrets?

  21. Stunning photo's - especially your last one

    All the best Jan

  22. It was so nice of him to hang out and give you some cool poses. Excellent shots of him taking off too! I am going to miss our hummingbirds

  23. It's so true. A lot of birds are passing through here, as well. Lovely birding opportunities! The hummers are gone!

  24. Gorgeous shots of a gorgeous bird.

  25. I love birds and i must say that these are awesome pics of birds. Halal Meat Online | Click Halal
