
Sunday, February 21, 2016

Oooooh I'm Ready!!


  1. I am ready too! Count down to spring.

  2. Me three! After all the snow we had at the beginning of the month, today it is 55 degrees outside and I am ready to get to a nursery!

  3. Can't wait! This is a great fence scene Debby!:)

  4. We had great spring weather yesterday. It's even nicer today. Ahhhhh

  5. Cute photo, Debbie. I like spring and I like fall. I even like the cold of winter better than the dog days of summer...but then, that might be because I don't have a cottage at the lake or a pool in my backyard. ;)

  6. Bring those pretty flip-flops down here to Florida girl -- you won't have to wait that long ;>)!!! I love the picture though -- so cute and so creative, you are brilliant. And spring will probably be all the sweeter for the wait. Or so my friends and family tell me (in case at my advanced age I've forgotten what it was like for all those years). Also you probably remember how I whine every Spring because basically we don't have a normal one here -- the weather will be beautiful but no normal spring flowers. That's the downside of no winter. (Life is full of compromises.)

  7. Me too, I am so ready for spring, flowers and warm weather for the beaches. Cute photo!

  8. How fun! It's always good to be ready for Spring and Summer. So happy those flip flops of yours are reading and waiting.It won't be long till you are 'running' on that glorious sand!

  9. Oh, so am I!!!
    Sweet shot, Debbie.

  10. Aren't we all!!! It's been such a mild winter, I'm sure we'll get another artic blast or two before the buds start charming us... but I hope not too much more snow/ice/etc.!

  11. I so love this one~ I am ready too! Hugs~

  12. Out and about these past few days, we have had some very pleasant Spring like sunshine - so lovely!

    Sorry about all my comments coming through today ... I'm only just catching up on reading my friends blog posts ...

    Hope all is well

    All the best Jan
