
Friday, February 19, 2016

Feeding The Jays!!

Of all the birds that visit my feeders, I have the most fun with the Blue Jays.
They come in close for peanuts, 
they are such a pretty shade of blue 
and their feather pattern resembles beautiful stained glass.
They are the underdogs with most bird lovers, most people think they are bullies...
I think they get a bad rap.
It is survival of the fittest at the feeders and I just kinda' think they do what they have to!!

Here at my house, they are friendly and pose beautifully for pictures.


And when the peanuts are gone...

they fly off to here...

and squeal like crazy to let me know they are in need of a refill!


  1. Hello Debbie. I agree with you. The blue Jays are really beautiful with the blue feathers. I would love to have them visit my garden.

  2. They are a beautiful blue colour and must be fun to watch.

  3. They are beautiful and admire its colors. Regards.

  4. I swear, you have the luckiest birds on the planet, Debbie!
    They really are beautiful birds.

  5. I am in awe, both of your photos & this brilliant blue bird! Love these shots!

  6. I agree--I like blue jays too! That blue is soooooo pretty. We have some that nest underneath a window where we have a window perch for the kitties. Abbey loves seeing them. Well, she would probably prefer eating them. But since she's an inside cat, I tell her "Birds are our friends." :-)

  7. all nice shots. Boy do the bluejays give me grief from the fence when the feeder is empty...that reminds me...

  8. Great photo's, Debbie.
    They are truly beautiful, and I know they love you.

  9. I love blue jays too, and I agree about their bad rap.

  10. They are beautiful, but they are such bullies!

  11. Blue Jays are always welcome at my house,too.They are gorgeous and noisy,but they add a great deal of beauty to the winter landscape.

  12. They have such stunning detail on their feathers...absolutely beautiful!

    Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs!

  13. Awesome shots! Ours are hit-and-run feeders. They don't stay put for long.

  14. Incredible pictures! You can see the details of the actual feathers! Well done!

  15. Personally, I adore Blue Jays and love to walk in a woods and hear them calling.
    They are such a beautiful shade of blue!! I have lots of peanuts they are welcome too.
    Wonderful photos!

  16. My Jays, and well every other feathered friend of mine around here are probably, no most assuredly annoyed with me. I plan on correcting that this weekend!

  17. They are gorgeous and I see what you mean about the pattern on their wings.

  18. I agree they are beautiful birds. I love the brilliant blue color. I love that you can capture them eating. Love the bird photos today!
    Blessings and hugs!

  19. Wow you captured them nice and close up, we only get a few around here, maybe we need to put peanuts out for them :) I have never seen one that close up before because they usually fly away as soon as we try to see them and Greg hasn't gotten any pictures of them yet. Just Beautiful.... we have a few birds that make a fuss too if the bird feeder is empty. Hope your enjoying a great weekend

  20. These are just tremendous photo's of this beautiful bird - what a colour!

    All the best Jan

  21. I heard one yelling yesterday, and figured he was trying to tell me the grackles got all his peanuts. When I got to the kitchen window, I found he was sounding the alarm that a Cooper's Hawk was in the yard.
