
Monday, December 28, 2015

Pictures, Images or Photographs!!

Do you tell your story one picture at a time?
What's more important to you, the words you write, 
or the images you share?
Do you call them pictures, images, or photographs?

Are the moments of your life memorialized in scrapbooks,
memory books or photo albums??

I tend to tell my story with pictures.

My entire life and the life of my children is memorialized in scrapbooks.

It's been a wonderful life, filled with many joyous moments
and life changing events.
As I reflect back, I would change nothing.

Scrapbooks on either side,
the gray binded books in the center are are my blog books.
I print my blog every three months,
and they have taken the place of my handmade scrapbooks.

In the family room I have this piece of furniture,
I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it, 
I knew it would be the perfect piece for my scrapbooks!

Most of these books are from when the boys were little,
school books and sports books!

 All of the drawers in this cabinet are filled with small little photo books,

that hold pictures in the simplistic way!

This is about half of what I have...
if you have ever read my "About Me" on the side of my blog,
I mentioned that I have an unhealthy obsession with scrapbooking!

True Story!!


  1. you are a collector of good times and good memories. :)

  2. i guess i usually say pics, or photographs. less often images. but i guess it depends on what i am saying or talking about. i like changing it up. i usually keep them on SD cards & don't print them out lately. i keep them in my memory bank (in short my brain) i figure if there is a pic i really love i will get it printed out. otherwise i will save the money for other goodies i wish to purchase. i love your pics though so i totally understand why you get them into books & whatnot. i totally get your obsession with it all. but you are a real expert in it too. i guess i have tons of our wedding & parties from that time in photographs. a few from my kid days. ( :

  3. I like to share my stories in pictures rather than words. I've never felt very good at words. I've also been a scrapbooker, but have slacked off the last few years. I'm wanting to get back to it this year. There are so many wonderful memories that can be captured in scrapbooks. Also, I love your Beanie Babies. I have several and have been thinking about getting rid of them. Seeing yours makes me realize I just need to display them better!

  4. I love to do both, writing and taking pictures so I would have to say I share my stories both ways. I love scrapbooking, too. It gives me a sense of connection with the past as well as knowing that perhaps my children will enjoy seeing those old photographs and remembering times we had together.

  5. We have many pictures and albums from pre-digital

    I think the computer has killed that for me. I rarely print a picture anymore and when my external hard drive dies...

  6. Hello, Debbie! I usually let my pictures tell the story. Didn't Rod Stewart have song about pictures telling stories. We have not printed out photos since using the old film cameras. I am glad everything went digital, I like to use the photo websites like Flickr. You have many wonderful memories in your cabinet. I think I have seen you post some of your pretty scrapbooks, you are a talented and crafty. Is that a word, crafty? Happy Monday, enjoy your new week! I wish you all the best in 2016, Happy New Year!

  7. Most of my photos are saved digitally! But I do admit to loving other people's scrapbooks. ;)

  8. Those will be invaluable for future generations! It's not an easy thing to do unless you actually enjoy it.

  9. Hello Debbie!
    I really like your idea.
    In these pictures are yours beautiful memories.

  10. I think it is wonderful to keep those memories & snapshots of your lives ! You are so organised & I am so ashamed of my haphazard storage arrangements!
    Have a wonderful week!

  11. Precious!!! I love my collection...and enjoy keeping it growing!!

  12. Obviously you really enjoy it! I'd never have the dedication, or be organized enough!

  13. You inspire me. I have so many photos on my computer and phone and not easily accessed! Some of my favorite times are going through pictures from when we were little. I really have to get my act together and print pictures of my kids.

  14. Wow that is just amazing and so wonderful to have all those books done. I have made a few small books but never did any big size scrapbooks although I keep telling myself that is what I need to do. I am so worried now that with all these digital photo's even if they are backed up there is a chance of losing them, I really should print more off. Neat idea of using what you blog also!! This will be something special to pass down to the next generation that's for sure!

  15. I love that you do scrap booking and I love that you copy off your blog every three months. I keep thinking I should do this myself. I think having a family journal of pictures is the best. Hugs!

  16. Oh my... this post astounds me. I WISH I could be more like you. As far as organizing goes, I am the polar opposite. I try not to be, but it never lasts long.

  17. Hello Debbie. Happy New Year! I love the way you have all your scrapbooks and photo books organized. The cabinets are really pretty. I most often say "photos" or pictures. A large portion of my photos are in scrapbooks and most have been uploaded to an online photo storage, Facebook or my blogs. Last year I began putting my photos along with stories into printed books using an online self-publishing site and I love them! I'm working on my 4th book now. My family and friends love them. I hope your year is blessed with many more wonderful memories to treasure!
