
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Good Fences ~ Edition 93 ~

Every year I share the beautiful gingerbread houses 
on display in Peddlers Village.
Several this year had some cool fences,
so I decided to share them here for Good Fences.

Pictured first are all the ones with fences...
1 thru 6,
I have numbered the houses, if you would like to pick a favorite.
Be prepared, to have "several favorites", that will change as you scroll.





















Pretty impressive, right!
How many times did your favorite change??
Share your final favorite in the comments section!!

Sharing today with Theresa for Good Fences at 

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Peddler's Village, Light Show!

Peddlers Village 
in Buck's County, Pa. is always on the "must see" list at
Christmas Time.
Before or after Christmas, it is always a treat.
This year we visited the Sunday after Christmas...
it was 70 degrees outside,
nice for walking around this beautiful shopping village,
but not a good day for hot cocoa!

The weather was perfect when we arrived but it did start to "sprinkle"
right after we viewed the gingerbread houses,
(I'll show you those tomorrow)
so we spent a little less time and I definitely took less pictures.
I hope you enjoy what I do have!

Millions of lights, great shopping, awesome eateries,
if you are ever in Bucks County, Pa. don't skip 
Peddlers Village
a great place to visit any time of the year!!

December 27, 2015

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Let's Make Breakfast!

I was up early on Christmas morning, 
anyone who "still believes"
 finds it hard to sleep on this magical day!

I had a special breakfast planned for the hubs and I,
something I had never made before and I was excited to get started.

In order to "wet your whistle", let's start with the finished dish...

Bacon Egg Boats with Hash Browns
And can I please mention, how much I love these plates.
Now...let me show you how it's done.

 French bread, hollowed out, in order to make a boat.

 Lined with spinach, (this step I added).

 Bacon...I think I added this as well.
Then to a bowl, 
I mixed diced red pepper, diced sweet onion, chopped bacon,
a cheddar cheese blend, 6 eggs and some heavy cream.
I did not measure any of those things,
I just eyeballed it.

The egg mixture gets ladled into the bread boat.
 Top it with a cheddar cheese blend, then into a 350 degree oven.
I altered the recipe some, 
but it called for 20 minutes in the oven.

 After 20 minutes, it looked like this, but when I stuck a knife into the center,
the eggs were still runny.

 But oh boy, it looked good,
I put it back into the oven and just kept checking it.

 After about 45 minutes total, it looked like this and it was done.

I made shredded potatoes to go with it and the meal was delicious.
This kept our bellies satisfied for the entire day.

Bacon Egg Boats
The recipe is here, if anyone is interested.
I did change it up a bit, it's a recipe you can do that with,
to fit your likes and dislikes!

Sharing with
Stephanie at The Enchanting Rose

Monday, December 28, 2015

Pictures, Images or Photographs!!

Do you tell your story one picture at a time?
What's more important to you, the words you write, 
or the images you share?
Do you call them pictures, images, or photographs?

Are the moments of your life memorialized in scrapbooks,
memory books or photo albums??

I tend to tell my story with pictures.

My entire life and the life of my children is memorialized in scrapbooks.

It's been a wonderful life, filled with many joyous moments
and life changing events.
As I reflect back, I would change nothing.

Scrapbooks on either side,
the gray binded books in the center are are my blog books.
I print my blog every three months,
and they have taken the place of my handmade scrapbooks.

In the family room I have this piece of furniture,
I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it, 
I knew it would be the perfect piece for my scrapbooks!

Most of these books are from when the boys were little,
school books and sports books!

 All of the drawers in this cabinet are filled with small little photo books,

that hold pictures in the simplistic way!

This is about half of what I have...
if you have ever read my "About Me" on the side of my blog,
I mentioned that I have an unhealthy obsession with scrapbooking!

True Story!!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Gaylord, The Final Chapter!!

Can you believe I still have pictures from our Washington Adventure,
that I have not shared here??
It is truly unbelievable as I have done so many posts about it...
but it is the trip that keeps on giving!!

So this is it, I'm going to wrap it up today...
be forewarned, if you have had enough, exit now!!

 We always get at least 20 pictures in front of the Peeps car,
and only one turns out good.
I pick, it's always all about how I look...
because, well...I have the camera and the blog!

 Is this not the cutest little roadside "Goodies Shop"??
It was so reminiscent of yesteryear!!

 Here are a few nighttime images of the view from our room,

the hubs always makes sure we get an atrium room, 
with the best view possible!!

 I did slide in "ICE"!!

 so did the hubs!!

 Proof that Santa... 

 does read all that mail.

There are a lot more pictures but they are headed to the recycle bin!!
This is one of the best trips we take each year!!