
Monday, July 27, 2015

Raising a Butterfly!!

I hadn't really thought about it, I didn't set out to raise a butterfly.
But there it was...
a caterpillar eating and resting on my "dying" dill.

I did a little research and it's not a bad idea to bring them indoors.
Only 2% of all caterpillars survive in the "wild".
They are easy to care for and feed,
and with just a little attention, they will easily thrive,
and become a beautiful butterfly.

I brought this little one indoors on July 20th...

 I used The Joyful Butterfly site as a guide in getting started
and double checked that information here as well.

 You need to include some sticks, which it loves to climb on.

 Since I found it on my dill, it was easy to determine what to feed it.

The container needs to be cleaned everyday for now.
And a little eats and poops a lot.

And based on it's appearance and the fact that it was hosting on my dill,
I am pretty sure it is a Black Swallowtail.

I will surely keep you posted!!

Sharing with 
Stephanie at the Enchanting Rose
stop by and join in the fun.


  1. It looks like a Swallowtail caterpillar...Good for you!...:)JP

  2. I am looking forward to following this project!

  3. Oh we used to do this in school. I think it is going to be beautiful and safe from those birds:) Hug B

  4. Good for you! I've been bring them in, too. Just those in chrysalis, though. Still awaiting monarchs...

  5. What a super experience. I think I need to plant some dill next year. ;)

  6. Hello Debbie, you are a good mommy to the caterpillar and butterfly to be! Thanks for sharing and for taking care of the caterpillar. Happy Monday, have a great new week!

  7. A new adventure. (mini diapers?)
    Keep us posted.

  8. How exciting! I can't wait to see the growth, and finally a butterfly!

    You are amazing. :)


  9. So interesting! I wonder if it will make a chrysalis. If so, please take photos. Wouldn't this be a great project for little kids?!

  10. Oh, wow! The best craft project EVER!
    :) m & jb who likes to chase butterflies but never catches them as their aerobatics are too advanced for her. Little tan moths are more her speed. She finds them quite tasty.

  11. Now this rocks! i can't wait to see it all, please do share!

  12. Can wait to see the butterfly!

  13. Good luck I hope you get a beautiful butterfly to take pictures of!

    (Or a moth, they can be quite pretty, too ;-)

  14. Oh, I will have fun following this adventure. I really love how the caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly.
    I think you should give it a name.

  15. Thank you so much for dropping by my "ephemera" blog! :D I adore these photos of the caterpillar and can hardly wait to see what beautiful butterfly emerges after it spins its cocoon. :D

  16. Raising butterflies is always something I've wanted to do! Thank you so much for the link and photos. Cannot wait to see the process unfold. :)

  17. Awesome! I can't wait to see what happens with your new friend! :-)

  18. aren't you cute! you're a butterfly farmer!

  19. I'm going to enjoy watching this!

  20. How exciting, Debbie, and please do keep us posted.

  21. This is SO cool!!! I am waiting to see the upcoming posts!!!
    I love how you do things like this!

  22. Hope the new family member works out well!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  23. Very interesting, never thought of doing that, this would be neat to do with kids too!

  24. That is one of the most exciting things you will ever do! I was determined to save the caterpillars from the birds one year, and raised quite a few. What a thrill to see the metamorphosis.

  25. Oh how cool. Can't wait for your buttefly to appear.

  26. This is so neat Debbie I hope the little caterpillar turns out to be a beautiful butterfly just for you. I don't commet much if you noticed been so busy painting by house inside but just want you to know I read your blog everyday. Have a wonderful day!

  27. Oh Debbie, how fun! My son would love, love, LOVE to have his own caterpillar to watch. The other day he brought in two ants and made a "home" for them....he said they were his pets. I let him keep them for about an hour, but then told him they needed to go back to their "real" home :)

    Hugs to you!
