
Monday, April 27, 2015

The View From Right Here...

In the Fall, the hubs plants the Spring Bulbs.
More than 300 tiny little bulbs that will bring surprise
and delight in the Spring!

It's a spiritual way of saying, 
we will plant you, we believe in you and we will see you in Spring.
You will pop up and surprise us, saying 
"I am strong and I survived winter, 
now I prosper and I will bring joy to so many"!!

Thank you Chuck, for always bringing me so much happiness.
For making my life prettier and so much better.
For spoiling me.

And thanks also for cleaning those ceiling fans,
"you" the best!!


  1. I look at your pictures and think 'oh it will be beautiful here too in about 3-4 weeks'!

  2. Debbie, show me this picture in the fall, so I will remember to plant bulbs! What beautiful tulips!
    Your house and yard are just stunning.
    I would just stand and stare out the window all day long.
    It is just good for the heart and the eyes, and speaks volumes to my soul.

  3. Debbie, I LOVE the plantings around the mailbox. That is just lovely!

  4. My favorite tulip color combination!! We planted the same colors last fall; unfortunately, the squirrel dug up most of them. They scattered some to other places, and surprise, here and there some tulips sprang up, but not where they were planted. See why I have such feelings toward the furry rats!? I'll live vicariously seeing your beautiful blooms!

  5. beautiful little surprises, planted with love. :)

  6. Nothing like bright tulips in spring and yours are absolutely gorgeous.
    The RG planted thousands in the fall over the years of his employment which were then dug up and replaced with annuals. It took its toll on his knees but hasn't deterred him from continuing here every year.
    They are blessings; the tulips and the hubs.

  7. Those are gorgeous tulips! You have an amazing husband. Mine thinks the ceiling fan blades never get dirty. :/

  8. And....I sit at my desk with a little tear on my cheek. The good kind, don't worry! How vital it is that we learn to love our "view from right here" ... whatever that might be! And that we choose to believe. And, I'll add for myself, that we become a "chuck" for someone. He's a good one. And I'm inspired by his example of care and love and thoughtfulness. Happy tulips make for happy people!!

  9. Your yard is so lovely. I am a bit envious. I do get to love the photos of all the hard work you have put into the yard. Diffidently we need to plant bulbs this year. My husband loves to work in the yard but doesn't have the time yet. Still hoping he retires by July at least that is the plan.
    Blessings and hugs!

  10. That looks like a fabulous garden.


  11. Absolutely beautiful well kept yard. The tulips are just stunning love the colors you chose. I always say you have excellent taste. Sounds like you married a wonderful man.

    1. One day I hope to be the person you think I am ;)

  12. wow! That's smack you in the face color.

  13. Debbie, your hubby is the best.. Beautiful shots of your lovely tulips..Enjoy your evening, have a happy week ahead!

  14. He definitely is one fantastic fella, Debbie, and these tulips are just gorgeous!!

    1. Beyond wonderful Debbie. Those are some of the loveliest tulip plantings I've ever seen. And I remember feeling just like that when we would plant our bulbs in the Fall. Back in another century and another place. Love the memories ... Thanks for sharing. (And I couldn't live without my ceiling fans here!).

  15. Wow, how beautiful. Not much blooming here yet!

  16. Hi Debbie, is that your mailbox?.....oh my! that is just GORGEOUS! LOVE IT!! those bulbs sure are doing great! Splashes of spring!

  17. So lovely! I'll post another card just so I can see where it lands. x

  18. Beautiful and well worth the hard work!

  19. I am a believer, and I planted and believe, but my bounty hasn't really arrived yet. Your hubs, (which I know you know) but it must be said- he's a keeper!
