
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Let's Knit...

some more, because I don't knit enough!!
I keep saying to myself, "what did I do before"?
I'm not sure.

Exciting news, 
I have taken two more classes, on "my" Alpaca farm
and I am having the time of my life!

Wonderful people, new friends and the perfect view!

First up, The Lace Headband 

 This class was on April 22nd, 

 not too difficult,

and I learned a lot of new stitches.
It's much easier to learn new stitches, 
when you are working on a small project.

 I finished it pretty quickly, with only a few mistakes.
I think the pattern is beautiful.
This now needs to be "blocked" so it does not look so wavy,
and I have to put the button on.

I also finished two more hats,
these are now, mindless, quick and easy projects.

So ya' feelin' me now...
I have been knitting for less than one year,
what in the world did I use to do??

Tomorrow, I will show you my newest project,
"it's what's on my needles now".
(I have always wanted to say that!!)

Sharing today's knitting fun with
Stephanie at The Enchanting Rose
Stop by and say Hi!! 
There are lots are very talented and creative people there!!


  1. Love your work and the colors of the hats!

  2. Ah ha! Lace. I knew it would be next.

  3. Hello Debbie, you are great at knitting.. I love the cute headband.. Taking knitting lessons and watching the alpacas sounds like a fun time to me too. Enjoy your Tuesday!

  4. you rock, girl! I always loved knitting but haven't in a long time. It's a very pleasurable pass time.

  5. hold on...let me get my fav needles out...

  6. GREAT! Looks like you are a fast learner!

  7. what DID you do before? :) so cute.

  8. Love your work! You pick up those new patterns so quickly! Maybe after year two, you'll open your own shop!

  9. You are a super knitter! Love all your work Debbie. I took up knitting last year, but I am not really getting the "hang of it". I muddle along though and have managed to make several scarfs, and hats, and I am now in the process of knitting a huge afghan. Something to keep me busy over the long hot summer.

    *I used to use manual focus for my bird shots, but with the MS not being kind to my sight, I now use auto.

  10. Beautiful projects, Knitting is much better than mine ;-) I do love alpaca wool. x

  11. Hi Debbie, wow your knitting has fair come on. I'm very impressed :) I use to knit many many years ago and recently started up again. I knitted a few hats over the winter, and I've nearly finished a wee jumper for Riley. I hate sewing things up though. I think I should just knit a blanket then I wouldn't need to sew anything up lol.
    Keep those needles clicking! :))

  12. You are really mastering these projects! I love the colors.

  13. These beautiful things you are knitting could turn into a heirloom one day. Wish I knew how to knit I'd make me a beautiful shawl with long tassels.

    1. i hope they are here...long after i am gone!!!

  14. So much lovely woolly gorgeousness in this lovely post! Those hats and your lovely headband are very cool! So happy to have happened upon your lovely blog. Just visiting from the bottom of the world via Stephanie's "The Enchanting Rose"!

  15. I love seeing your projects!!! I totally wondered what you did too, I can't remember when you didn't knit and you are so good, it is you are doing all of that in just a year.
    I love your new stitches!

  16. It's really great that you've found something that peeks your interest, and keeps you motivated too! Besides all the rewards of your goodies! Very fun hobby.

  17. I love when someone is doing one of their passions in life. I think you have discovered one of your many. I think you are doing awesome; way to go girl!

  18. Hey there talented lady! You are on a roll with your knitting and I'm loving your latest creations....especially that headband!

    Thank you so much for faithfully linking up with Roses of Inspiration - it is such a joy to have you at the party. Hugs!

  19. Wow. Really like that headband! What a unique idea!

  20. They're your works of art Debbie :D)
