
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Traffic Jam...2

Yesterday's traffic jam entry 
involved a gaggle of 
Lesser Snow Geese as well.

I don't know why the words "lesser" or "common" 
are placed in front of the name of any bird,
there is nothing "lesser" about this beautiful Goose.

They do maintain a "freedom of spirit".
As if they are in the middle of the wilderness,
without a care in the world!

Sharing today's entry with Anni at I'd Rather Be Birding

February 28, 2015


  1. Liked the last picture best....doing their thing in the middle of town.

  2. These geese are beautiful! I like to listen to their gaggle !
    Debbie, your shats are wonderful as always !
    Have a nice Sunday :)

  3. I wonder that as well. They are a sight to bless everyone!

  4. Love your Snow Geese photos. Funny...but we also had a gaggle of geese...Canada Geese that on our back lawn and stay for hours just few days ago. I think they are looking for any patch of green they can find as the snow melts!

  5. I don't get the meaning of most the blue jay. Really, what were they thinking when they named the titmouse?

  6. You've really captured the beauty of these birds!

  7. I often wondered about "lesser" and "common" too.
    They are beautiful, Debbie.

  8. I agree that these birds can't be lesser.

  9. What lovely geese!! So big too.

  10. My feathered friends. When I see something like this in my neighborhood it makes my heart happy. If they can put up with us humans we can surely put up with them. Hope you had a wonderful weekend.

    1. can you believe peeps were honking??? what makes them think they are more important than these beautiful creatures. i thinkin' omgosh, don't honk....i need them to go slow so i can get some good pictures!!!!!!

    2. And you did get some great pictures. Yes I can believe on the honking car horns. Here in a small community not far from where I live there was alot of controversy about Canada geese some of the people wanted to exterminate them, some of the geese were gassed. There was alot of fuss in the newspaper that finally the wildlife caught alot & sent them to Virginia. Poor birds they don't know better. I'm such a animal lover. Even for turtles, if I see one trying to cross the rode I get out & place it off the rode in the direction it was headed.

    3. same here, we have stopped so many times for all kinds of animals. the hubs thinks i'm crazy, always saying, you are going to get hit!! then he gets out as well!!!!

  11. Beautiful photos! We don't have these guys around here.

  12. They sure are friendly (or unconcerned)! Don't think I've ever seen a Snow Goose.

  13. I think they are quite lovely, not lesser!

  14. That is quite the gaggle of geese:)

  15. Good meeting of geese :)))
    There are still lots of snow !!

  16. This is wonderful!!! Absolutely wonderful. And, I so agree with you on the 'lesser and common' thousand percent. You took the words right out of my mouth.

    Beautiful birds...and traffic jam indeed. Lovin' it.

    Thanks for sharing your link this week at I'd Rather B Birdin'. I know it's gonna say "Hootin' Anni"...I'm just in my personal blog admin right now instead of my birding blog.

  17. They are such beautiful birds. The white of their feathers just blends in with the snow... I guess they are called snow geese for nothing. hehe.

  18. There were two Canadian geese standing on a little garden patch that my husband and I walked past earlier this week. I actually jumped a little when I saw them. I didn't expect to see geese in the garden. I'm so used to them congregating in a large field.
