
Sunday, February 15, 2015


Yesterday was Valentine's Day...a "Hallmark" Holiday I think.
I don't need a special day to show my love,
but I guess it is nice, to have one day a year, devoted exclusively to

I am so lucky to have a wonderful, loving, supportive 
friend to share my life with.
Married 36 years, I could not be happier with
my life partner.

I have been watching a commercial about couples,
describing their love for each other
without using the word love.

"I'm always thinking about you...
when you are not here, I think about you the entire time
you are gone.
You are the kindest, most generous person I have ever known.
You lift me up when I am down...
You are the air in my lungs."

When you look at me and say 
"my beautiful bird has a broken wing"
you melt my heart...
when you hold my hand I feel so safe.

If you live to be 100, I want to live to be 100,
minus one day,
so I never have to live without you!!

And when you go to Costco, for a Chicken,
I will never be surprised when you bring home this as well.

I always ask you "when do you think you will grow up?"
Truth be told, I hope you never do, I adore you, just the way you are!!


  1. I love all things that people say about their loved ones and that cake looks yummy Debbie.

  2. Debbie, what a lovely post and poem.. The cake does look yummy.. I am so glad you have your hubby, the love of your life.. Have a happy Sunday!

  3. Oh "When you look at me and say
    "my beautiful bird has a broken wing"" melted my heart too. He is one of a kind.
    Oh we are so lucky you and I. HUGS B

  4. Beautiful post Debbie and delicious cake !!
    Congratulations on your happiness;))
    Paco and I also took 41 years together.
    Good Sunday.

  5. This is just a wonderful post, Debbie - and a lovely tribute to your husband. I like what he brings home from Costco!! LOL

  6. he is a sweetheart of a man and made just for you. you can tell his mother that, too. ;)

  7. Debbie,
    love is very important.
    All understand, forgive everything.
    Watch your photos and I can see that you are very happy and still in love.
    I have the same.
    Cake looks very appetizing.
    Kisses and greetings from Polish.

  8. I agree- we don't really need a special day for love. I'm reminded every single day by the little things we do for each other. That cake looks yummy!

  9. What an adorable post. I do think your sweetie is a keeper!!

  10. You sure don't, and I always think about that Hallmark and about a zillion other folks that get all caught up in spending to make them...well you know what I mean. I see love every time I visit your blog, and it's always refreshing for me to stop by here. Your post reminds me of something my son-in-law said to me last night. I really like getting handmade cards! Thank goodness he does, I just gave him one for his birthday in January, and then again for Valentine's day. Love isn't just found at Hallmark! Now, have you made enough of that scrumptious cake to share?!!!!!! :)

  11. I am completely with you on Valentine's being a Hallmark holiday and in that I don't need this holiday to know that I have found the right partner. Loved reading through your notes, they are beautiful. I hope you got that cake for real and enjoyed it together :)

  12. Very sweet. I know it is a Hallmark holiday and my poor daughter worked for days doing flowers for that holiday, they had to bring in three, three sea trains if you can imagine to store bouquets of flowers in and they will all be delivered. I never knew there were so many Hallmark holidays until she started working in a flower shop. Though, I love what you wrote about Chuck, I can echo it all. My life without my hubby would not be worth living.
    We will be married 35 years this year. :)

  13. What a way to show someone you love them :-) Congrats on the 36 years. I hope you have many more together my friend.

  14. Ah, this post is full of love! All of your posts show your love for your hubs and for life. :-)

  15. beautriful words for a wonderful day. And the cake looks great.

  16. What lovely thoughts for your sweet man. It was truly a post from the heart. I loved it.
    Blessings and hugs for you both!

  17. How very beautiful. And, like the others I'm so glad you have each other.
    It doesn't always happen that way. xoxo
