
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Best In "Snow"!!

There were hundreds of birds at the feeders on January 9th
but the Blue Jays shine, of course...and win my award for Best In Snow!
Here are the images, in the order they were taken!!


They are one of my favorites because they get such a bad rap.
They are feisty and a tad overzealous,
but look at that color and their feather pattern,
they are gorgeous in the snow.
And because I always root for the underdog,
today, the Jays win by a landslide!!

Sharing today's images with Anni at I'd Rather Be Birding
Stop by, take a peak or share a bird,
you'll be happy you did!!


  1. It is beautiful with its blue feathers. August beautifully presented in the snow. Regards.

  2. You know I'm a big fan of Blue Jays, too. Beautiful photos, Debbie! The Blue Jays definitely deserve Best in Snow!

  3. Debbie, love this series on your Blue Jay... They are beautiful birds.. Have a happy day!

  4. very cute. love their fluffy, fringy side feathers that flip up over the blue wing.

  5. Fantastic series, Debbie, landed on the 2nd for you;) The feathers are beautiful.
    Good Sunday.

  6. I agree!! Although - I'm a sucker for the bright red cardinals in the snow too! Thanks for the "straight into the camera" shot! Fun to see the beak and claws in the snow!!

  7. Love bluejays too. They are stunning birds! These are great photos!

  8. Is it their lovely blue that wins my vote? Possibly it's my favorite color. But I think it's the nature of their scooping in and commanding any scene as I am the One and Only coolest bird around. Ha! Ha! But I bet they truly believe it! Not a shy or timid movement for them!

  9. I love our Blue Jays. You took more great pictures of your.

  10. I love your photos. The jays are so pretty.

  11. They do look great in the snow! The blue on white is beautiful!

  12. I'm always for the underdog also! Love this post; the jay are so beautiful. But, seeing that snow
    I'm sitting shivering. :)


  13. Just because they are loud-mouths doesn't mean they aren't beautiful. Great pics of this gorgeous blue guy!

  14. Great pictures as usual.
    But beautiful, blue bird. The first time I see this.

  15. Great pictures and and a nice action on winter scenery!

  16. Pretty!!! I'm always green with envy for those like you that have blue jays at your feeders. And yes, they always the snow. I like your reference to 'best in snow'.

    Thanks for sharing the link this weekend at I'd Rather B Birdin'

  17. What a little cutie, and I love his color against all of that white!

  18. I'm usually on the side of the underdogs, too. I think Blue Jays are beautiful! Blue is my second most favorite color.

    You did a great job with these! You captured the snow swirling around the bird.

  19. A couple of sharp photos there! Wonderful. Blue jays are lovely birds. Great contrast against the snow.

  20. Wow, I agree these are great pictures of beautiful Blue Jays. Best of show in the snow for sure. You amaze me how you can capture them in such a spectacular way. The colors are my favorite.
    Blessings for these outstanding photos!

  21. Love the second photo especially, Debbie! You got some very good shots!
