
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Let's Knit, Part 3!!

Here's Part 3 of Let's Knit...detailing my new found love for knitting!!
If you missed Part 1 or Part 2, they can be found here and here.
So let me get you up to speed.
I finished Practice Project number 1...
which was all over the place,
a piece to try out all the different stitches, not worrying about mistakes.
I learned when it is folded just right,
and hung on this pretty hook for display,
 you can hardly see all the mistakes I made.

Practice Project Number 2 was next, (bottom, all chocolate brown).
When I finished that,
I started one more practice piece (top, brown and beige)
so I could be sure I know what I'm doing!!

  I finished and blocked Practice Piece Number 3, here's how it looks now.
The dark brown stitches are knitted,
the beige stitches to the left are pearled, the beige stitches on the right,
are stockinette stitches.

Now I am ready to really knit.
Here's the new yarn I purchased at Chelsea Yarns,
I am making a scarf.
I am really struggling with the yarn because it keeps splitting.
The yarn Leanne purchased for me, for the knitting class,
was much easier to work with.
It took me a really long time to get this far,
I had to rip it out twice.
My new motto, when it comes to knitting...
go slow and pay attention, you are not Andee or Leanne!!


  1. I like the colours you've chosen to practice with and think your scarf will be beautiful!

  2. Debbie, you are doing great! I love the colors! There is that saying Practice makes perfect. Enjoy your day!

  3. Good job on the learning to knit. I do need to dig all of my knitting stuff out of the closet.
    I like those colors.

  4. I like the beige and chocolate colors!

  5. I'm impressed, you're learning so fast! My mom and aunt are both knitters, and they always say the type and quality of the yarn is key!

  6. well, at least you're stubborn, er, persistent! :)

  7. There is something so nice about knitting. I am barely functional when it comes to knitting but I do love it. I love the feel of the yarn in my hands. You have done a really nice job Debbie.

  8. I think that for a beginner, you're fantastic! Won't be long before you're making Aran knit fisherman sweaters and Fair Isles! It's a relaxing pastime, and I'm glad you found it. Knit two, purl two...

  9. Kudos!

    I tried knitting a long time ago and my girlfriend's mother would always have to take it off the needle for me! Hehehehehhehe

    I made a few things years ago but now with my swollen fingers....hard to do.

    Looking forward to seeing more of your projects.

  10. Very nice work! I am a crocheter myself. But my daughter wants to start knitting.

  11. They all look beautiful and I admire your choice of colors. Hope you can get past the yarn giving you trouble. I do not possess the patience for knitting, so I admire you. Keep us posted!

  12. You are doing so well! And, I absolutely love that color. I know you'll do a great job! :)

  13. Hello Debbie!!I really like your knitting scarfs!Great work indeed!!Your new yarn looks preety!!Nice color!!Waiting to see your new creation!!Have a lovely week!

  14. Look at you!!!
    And in such a short period of time.
    Bless your heart, you are amazing!!
    I look forward to seeing your scarf when it is all done.

  15. Great job- the more you knit the easier it will be. You have my little angel, isn't she sweet?

  16. Don't get discouraged with the splitty yarn. Even very good knitters encounter it. Slow and steady is key -but you've already figured that out! Go you!

  17. I admire your knitting ability!

  18. Debbie, knitting is one of my favorite things to do. Go slow, before you know it you will be full steam ahead. Have fun!

  19. Debbie, knitting is one of my favorite things to do. Go slow, before you know it you will be full steam ahead. Have fun!

  20. Another good motto is "if you aren't having fun, cast on something else!" I am amazing at your progress and I can't wait to see more. I am so glad you are loving it! I am having fun going on this journey with you through your blog!!! Knitting should be fun always remember that (even if you have to rip out some times).

  21. From what I can see, I'd say you have very nice even stitches. Once you get the hang of your new yarn, there will be no stopping you - and what a beautiful scarf you'll have next winter!

  22. Aw w you have inspired me with your work. I am going to start to crochet a baby blanket for my next great grandchild due soon.
    Blessings for you!
