
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Who's Ready?!?!

I didn't do much decorating for fall.
I don't decorate for Halloween, I only put out fall themed items,
that can stay out until Thanksgiving.
I add turkeys and pilgrims if I have the "spirit" to do so.
Here's the sofa table in the family room.

Greetings in the entry way!

Candy for the little ones...there will be leftovers for the hubs.
He loves Snickers and Reese's so we always buy those.
Front door, inside wreath.
I always open up the scrapbooks on the coffee tables,
to display pages from a previous season!
Counted cross stitch wall decor.
I made this for my boys when they were little.
I wish I had dated it.

Kitchen Table

One side of the television table in the living room...

here's the other side.

I am still working on the Autumn/Fall Bucket List.
It's so fun.
So how about you guys, do you do much decorating for Fall?
Do you decorate separately for Halloween - Fall - Thanksgiving?
I use to do a lot more and I miss the decorations that were
left behind in boxes!!
Perhaps I will have more spirit next year!


  1. you totally have halloween decor in there! :) i don't decorate - period. my 'autumn' comes in the door via windblown leaves, sandy dirt drawn into dog prints on the floor, scorpions and mice trying to come in for the season... the usual stuff. :)

  2. I haven't decorated for fall--for any season except Christmas--in a few years. You have such nice touches of the season around your house--very pretty! I don't think I inherited the decorating gene. :-)

    I'm thinking of doing a Christmas season bucket list like you did for fall. OK if I copy you? :-)

  3. I used to decorate years ago. Now I don't have room. I do have angels hanging outside on my front door.

    Your decorations are really nice. The cross stitch is so pretty and very special. I wish I had some of the things I made for my kids when they were small.

  4. It all looks so pretty.
    I sort of do the same try to tie it in for Fall ~ only mine has more dust on it lol

  5. Oh I am laughing at Tex and Willows comments and I almost forgot what I was going to write. Oh Yeah Snickers oh no that is not it drool drool. Oh yes got it your photos are incredible it is so nice that you display them in that way and all your decorations are very inviting anyone who is lucky enough to drop in will enjoy all those special touches.
    Thanksgiving is over I threw a pumpkin on the step and I have mars bars and chips ready to go if they make it till tomorrow night so I guess I do not decorate much. I guess I will use the dust and dirt excuse thingy if it is not taken:). Love your bucket list almost done I am thinking:) HUGS B

  6. Your decorations are very pretty :)

  7. Your decorations are really nice, Debbie !
    Greetings, RW & SK

  8. Beautiful water pictures and decorations. I'm a little behind...there's a wreath on the front door and I bought a pumpkin today....that's all! You've inspired me to get busy!!

  9. Love, love, love it!!! I, too, will add Thanksgiving items starting this weekend. I also want to make these cute turkey lollipops I saw on Satan's website, aka Pinterest. I'll use them as place settings on TG.

  10. Debbie, I love your cute decorations and the bears. Snickers would be one of my favorites. I love your wreath, just beautiful! Have a great evening!

  11. You have a lovely home, Debbie! Nicely decorated!

  12. You did a get job decorating. I'm going to hold out until Christmas I think, but I certainly enjoying the pretty fall colors outside my windows!

  13. I did a lot of fall decorating when the kids were young and we lived in suburbia. Now at our farm, All I have to do is look out any window and see corn stalks and pumpkins in the field. And of course beautiful foliage on the mountainside.
    I love your idea of opening the scrapbooks to the same moment in years past.

  14. This looks so warm and inviting. I'm pretending I'm on may way over for a chat. And something an ice-cream's been a crappy day, and I seem to have no desire to snap myself out of it! Also...I've done no fall decorating. I'm sure I will do something nice for Thanksgiving. Must be saving it all for Christmas this year.

  15. Mr. foresterman had one pumpkin plant that produced over 15 pumpkins on it.

    pumpkins. we decorate in pumpkins and pumpkin pie. with cool whip.

    But i like your decorations so much more!


  16. Beautifully decorated Debbie, love them. I don't decorate for Halloween either.

  17. Debbie, I haven't even bought Halloween candy. I suppose that is on my to do list for tomorrow. I love to decorate for fall, and I leave it up until the Christmas tree enters the house. I hope you are having a wonderful week.

  18. Sigh... This is what I miss in Hawaii. There just isn't much fall themed decorations around much. I loved all the fun of the different seasons.

  19. Hi Debbie... Your place looks very festive!!
    I used to go all out when the my daughters and grandkids where young, but now I put some Autumn decorating here and there inside!!

    I did pick up some Kit Kat bars, but will probably turn off all the lights
    and hide in the closet with my computer!!
    Those little candy mooching monsters!! : )


  20. Not much decorating here Debbie -- love your Beanie Babies. :)

  21. Beautiful decorated house! love the photos.

  22. Runners and placemats - oh, how I wish I could put those out; but alas, my cats think it is the welcome mat to sleep on. ugh! Your home is beautiful and totally holiday ready.

  23. fallen behind on commenting ... luv ur table setting. wreath & bears. ( ;
    i agree... enjoy decor that can b used 4 several celebrations.

    happy halloween!! ( ;

  24. I basically just do a combination of fall, Halloween and thanksgiving. I loved all of your decorations. I hadn't even thought of having an inside wreath on the door.
    I really get into it more for Christmas.
    Blessings and hugs!

  25. Oh Debbie!!!!
    You have a beautiful holiday decorations Helloween.

  26. Beautiful shots Debbie..LOvely halloween decor..

  27. I stopped decorating for fall this year. I only put out a pumpkin welcome slate, and the pumpkins the family carved. That's it. I am saving my energy for Christmas. I do like seeing your decor though.

  28. Fabulous décor. Wish my house looked that neat and tidy. Of course with an 8 year old living here it's next to impossible to keep it tidy. - Loved your Candy Dish, and the cool pumpkin on the table. - I do decorate inside for Halloween, sometimes for Fall & Always for Christmas (both inside and outside). Easter & Valentine's too but not as much as the other holidays.

    Happy Halloween!

  29. Love those candle sticks on the TV table. Put my name under them!! I only put out about a third of my fall decorations. Oh well, maybe next year.

  30. We used to do more decorating for fall, but in past years have made Christmas the main decoration time, both outdoors and indoors. However, this year with having packed and stored even the Christmas decks, we will be traveling to visit family during that time. Your house does look in tune with the season even if you consider it minimally decorated; simple is always good.
