
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My Favorite Color Is Autumn

Taking a moment on October 28th,

to reflect on what matters most.
I needed some time, to reflect on life.
To reflect on this man...who is so very important to me,
This man...who is the air in my lungs and the spirit in my soul!!
Yesterday, we were early for an appointment
and we stumbled across Turkey Swamp Park.
Sometimes the best things in life just fall in to your lap!


  1. I love those reflections!!! The colours are just perfect!!!
    And congrats to your niece and her family!!! Hope the tests are going well, whatever well may be...

  2. Piękna jesień w przyrodzie i oby nasza jesień życia taka była. Pozdrawiam.
    Autumn beauty in nature, and may our autumn life that was. Yours.

  3. This is so wistful and wonderful. I know how you love finding new hidden treasures! The reflection in the water is just perfect. I hope you found the moments of quiet reflection helpful...hugs

  4. A favorite color meet a favorite man. Perfect.

  5. I haven't been there in so long! Look at those beautiful leaves!!!

  6. Beautiful photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  7. Oh that is truly the perfect place to reflect. Oh hugs to you both my dear friend. HUGS B

  8. Of course I love the two pics of you both smiling.
    The photos are beautiful with the reflections.

  9. Fall is such a beautiful time of year. Glad you had the chance to get out and appreciate it with the love of your life!!!

  10. This is such a beautiful and peaceful place!

  11. I miss seeing the foliage. Being an original Bostonian! We don't see the pretty change of seasons here in South Florida.

  12. My favorite shots are always the ones with you two in them and these are great....

    The reflections in the water is beautiful.....and yes I agree those little surprises that come along are always great...

  13. What a beautiful park. I love this post it is so sweet.

  14. gosh, just gorgeous, debbie.

    i know the shore still has a long way to go...

  15. Lovely autumn colour and reflections Debbie!

  16. HI Debbie Wonderful photographs of the autumn coloured trees and the fantastic reflections of same.

  17. You happened upon a beautiful park. Fine series.

  18. Autumn is my favorite color too Debbie! And seeing it reflected in the water is twice as nice. Taking the back roads or driving out of the way can bring wonderful surprises!

  19. That is an interesting name for some place so beautiful.

  20. Wow Debbie we are really missing the colors in NJ after seeing this post. Your tribute to the Hubs also brought back memories of when we explored many of the state parks. Double Trouble was our special favorite. We don't have nearly as much fun with any here now.

  21. Wow, that was so beautiful and the words were so sweet. What more can one say but that I was touched my this one. I always enjoy the pictures of your hubby and you.

  22. Marvelous autumn. Stunning reflections in the water.
    Thinking of life? You are like two halves of an apple.
    I'm glad your happiness.

  23. Stunning pictures. I love the colours and then those reflections,oh my.

  24. How wonderful! It is nice to chance upon a beautiful place like that with someone so special.

  25. You did a fantastic job with these photos--those reflections are breathtaking! And I love the scene of the trees showing off their lovely colors.

    I like that name: Turkey Swamp Park. :-)

  26. Gorgeous shots! I love the glass-like reflections! You have some nice fall color!

  27. What a pretty park, glad you had extra time. The trees and reflections are gorgeous. Lovely photos, Debbie!

  28. Gorgeous, your selfies love them.

  29. The shots of the two of you are precious and wow = those reflection shots are something else.

  30. Amen and bless you both :)

  31. What a fabulous place to reflect. The fall colors there are just breathtaking. How awesome to spend time there with a person you clearly love being with.

  32. Wonderful photos. The reflection i the water is beautiful.
    Greetings :)

  33. This is such a sweet, beautiful post. I see love in every photo.

  34. i luv how u call autumn a color. u have beautiful way with words. enjoyable post. fall is my fav. i know most might enjoy another season more. i feel the earth comes alive during fall. ( ;

  35. LOVELY REFLECTIONS and WONDERFUL pictures....i love them.

    Greetings, Joop
