
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Hummingbird Moth

This was a first for me, if not for blog friends,
I would not have known what this was!
The Common Clearwing Hummingbird Moth
is considerably smaller than our native
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird,
only about 1-1/2 inch long versus 3 inch long.
It's plump body tapers at either end to form a spindle shape.
When the adult moth emerges from its crysalis,
its wings are covered with reddish brown scales.
After the initial flight, the scales fall off the central part,
leaving transparent centers that give them their name Clearwing.
The body color is variable, but they typically have an olive green back,
with a wide, reddish brown band.
Nothing "Common" about this guy,
have you ever seen a Hummingbird Moth?
Would you know what you are looking at!
A first for me,
I was super excited to see and photograh this special creature!


  1. Wow! Great shots - and not easy, I'd imagine. Nice of him/her to visit purple flowers...makes for a lovely back ground! I would not have known what this was at all, and don't think I've ever seen one. Very interesting!

  2. Ten owad jest śliczny. U nas rzadko można je zobaczyć. Pozdrawiam.
    This insect is beautiful. You rarely see them. Yours.

  3. Great capture! Definitely not easy to photograph!

  4. Feel like I want to hold it in my hand ... hehehe:)

    You make a nice serie of photo of a wonderful moth!

  5. Great shots, Debbie!

  6. I have never seen one. You got some great shots! Those clear areas of the wings are stunning. Thank you for sharing your find!

  7. HI Debbie Great shots and no I have never heard nor saw one of these. It is fantastic the way you can see through the wings

  8. I have never seen one and now I really want too but your photos are so life like it is almost like i have. Thank you awesome photography Miss D. Hug B

  9. Debbie, it's amazing.
    Today I tried to do this owadowi picture.
    My photo is of poor quality.
    I look up and admire your photos. They are great.

  10. i have only gotten to see them twice. i marvel at them. so cool you got to see one!

  11. A couple of summers ago there was one that was especially attracted to the phlox. I haven't seen one lately. You caught some great shots.

  12. Yes,I have seen them,actually just got pictures of one recently.They are quite a unique looking creature. Your pictures are fantastic.

  13. I have never seen one, It is beautiful!

  14. What fantastic colours.


  15. Wow! Great shots!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  16. Interesting and so impressive that you caught him inaction!

  17. Debbie, they are neat moths! I see them around my butterfly bushes. These are awesome shots of the Clearwing Moth. Have a great evening!

  18. Wow - incredible shots with amazing detail.

  19. That is amazing you got that, moths are night creatures so that you got it in the daylight is amazing. It must have been that beautiful butterfly bush that drew it out.

  20. Those are fabulous photos! Not at all easy to catch.

  21. I see one once in a while...I think that is what they are. You did a great job capturing this pretty guy!

  22. These are great, Debbie! I've never seen of these guys. For a moth, they're pretty darn big!

  23. Really, love your flowers! looking Pretty and sweet...

  24. They kind of creep me out in the evening -- so big! You did well with capturing this fella.

  25. You always find beauty in the smallest of things - gorgeous!

  26. Fantastic photos Debbie! You captured him well. I haven't seen one of these for a very long time, but saw several on a butterfly bush outside a restaurant once and was told then what it was. I thought they were extraordinary!

  27. How cool! I'm so happy you were able to capture this wonderful moth.
    Yes I've seen Hummingbird Moths before. The one's I've seen do not have the clear patches in the wings though. I tried to photograph one last year but the cat kept trying to catch it and the photos were a bit blurred. Cats love to (shame on them) eat these moths.

  28. Such incredible photos Debbie. I never would have known about this lovely moth if not for you :D)
